When I see you again

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I don't remember how long I'm here already but it feels like years. Will I ever come out of this? All the time I haven't eat yet. I only get some water now and then.
I hear the door opening and then closes. Someone is walking to me. Suddenly I feel a knife on my throat. I'm getting really scared and I feel sweat dripping off my face. 'So, anything to say?' A deep, raspy voice says. This isn't the girl who always spoke to me. 'Don... don't kill me.' 'Ahaha, why wouldn't I? You're not worth living in this world girl. You deserve to die and nothing else. I don't care how Shawn feels after he sees you dead. Haha, that would be amazing. I really want to see his face then.' I start crying. 'How dare you. How can you say this stuff.' 'Shut up, bitch.' The knife almost cuts my skin open now. I'm going to die. I will never be in Shawn's arms again. I can never kiss him again. I can never walk with him on the beach anymore. I will never see his amazing smile  again. I will die now and never know how it feels to getting married. I hope Shawn is okay and I hope he will continue with his career. He deserves the world. He deserves a girlfriend who's way much better than I was. He deserves everything but not the pain of me being dead. He doesn't have to cry about me. I'm not worth it.
Then I hear loud noises. One second later I hear someone kicking the door out and suddenly we're surrounded by a lot of men. 'Hands up! This is the police!' I feel the knife getting off my throat and I can finally breath again. Because I haven't eat for so long, I fall on the ground. I hear people leaving the room. They probably took the man away. A soft and kind voice starts talking to me: 'Are you okay, sweetie?' I can't answer because I forgot how to speak. I'm really confused and I don't know if I have to be happy or sad or whatever. Someone removes the thing in my mouth and releases me from the rope around my wrists.
I'm still sitting on the ground but not in that dark room anymore. I'm in the living room of the same house. Policemen are walking everywhere, talking and shouting and doing strange things. One of them is sitting next to me. He gave me some food and something to drink. I feel much better already. I'm still shaking and I'm scared but I'm at least free and safe.
Thirty minutes later the man sitting next to me, stands up and says: 'Shall I bring you back to Shawn's house? You can have a shower there and take some rest.' 'Yes! Of course that's okay!' I'm getting so happy because I will see Shawn soon.
It's not far to his house. I recognize some things here and after a while I see Shawn's house. He walks out of it because I probably saw us coming. Gosh, he looks so worried and concerned and it seems like he barely slept and ate last days.

I immediately walked out of my house when I saw a police car arriving. When it came closer I see Soraya sitting next to the policeman. I can't believe my eyes. I start smiling and run to the car. I open the door and Soraya gets out. I take her in my arms and I hold her for a few minutes. The policeman is looking at us with a smile on his face. 'So, I think it's better to leave you guys alone. Soraya, for you it's the best to take a lot of rest and also don't eat too much in one time because your stomach isn't used to that at the time. But I bet Shawn will take good care of you.' 'Thank you sir, for bringing me home and taking care of me.' 'And also thank you for bringing Soraya safe in my arms again.' Soraya and I both smile at him and after he said it was nothing, he drives away.
I lay an arm around Soraya's shoulders and we walk inside my house. I take her to the bathroom and let her take a shower. I have her a sweater of mine and I make her some food. After she ate a bit I take her in my arms and carry her to my bed. I lay her in it carefully and put the sheets around her. Then I kiss her softly. 'Shawn? Do you please want to lay next to me when I fall asleep? I'm still scared someone will kidnap me or try to kill me..' I feel so sorry for everything she had to go through last days. 'Of course babe.' I smile at her and lay myself next to her. I take her in my arms and after a minute she falls asleep.

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