Note from Shawn

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The Q&A will start now. I see Shawn walking to the place he'll sit. Gosh, he's so perfect. I already have a question in mind and I hope I can ask it to him. Me and my friends are standing on first row. I'm so happy to stand there because it's so close to Shawn and I have a bigger chance to ask him my question. Shawn took his seat and he looks at his fans. Then his eyes cross mine. He smiles at me and then looks away.

Yes! The girl is on first row. I look in her damn beautiful eyes and smile at her. She smiles back. I'll let her ask the first questions. I ask who wants to ask a question and I see a lot of fans raising their hands. Including the one from the girl in front of me. I point at her, 'you can ask your question now,' I say friendly and with a smile on my face. She smiles again. 'So I'm Soraya and..' I interrupt her and say: 'Hey, I remember you! You smelled so nice and by the way I love your name.' She blushes. 'Thank you! But my question is, have you ever liked a fan?' Wow, it seems like she noticed that I like her. I don't know a answer so soon. 'Well, uhm, no not really.  Sometimes I see fans where I think of it would be really nice to get to know them better but it's not that I ever really started liking a girl.' Except you, I think. 'Aw, that's cute. Hope you'll find a lovely girlfriend soon.' She says. 'Thank you.' I smile at her and then points another fan to ask a question.

The Q&A is almost done. I'll let one fan ask a question and then I need to prepare for the concert. I've been looking at Soraya all the time at least as much as possible because I don't want other fans to notice it. I'm thinking about a plan to ask her backstage. But I need to do that when no one is watching. I've been thinking about her and a plan the whole Q&A. I hope fans didn't noticed that I've been a little distracted because in no time the whole Mendes Army will know it.
I answered the last question five minutes ago and the fans are slowly going away. I see Soraya and her fans still standing on the same place. They're talking and laughing and I see Soraya looking at me sometimes.
I'm looking for a little piece of paper and a pen. I found it and write on it: hey Soraya, can you meet me backstage in 10 minutes. I know it's actually forbidden but I'll make sure that you'll get in.
I take the note with me and walk to Soraya. I whisper her name. She turns around and looks me in the eyes. She smiles and walks to me. 'Hey,' I say. 'Hey.' 'I have something for you,' I give her the note. 'I'm sorry but I got to go now. See ya later!' I walk away. Soraya looks at me when I'm leaving.

I follow Shawn with my eyes. I'm confused and really exited to read the note. I open it and read it. I feel I'm blushing. Oh my fucking god! Shawn Peter Raul Mendes wants me to come backstage. I can't believe it. I start smiling heavily and I try to walk to my friends. 'Are you feeling okay? And what gave Shawn to you?' Nina asks. I give her the note. Melissa and Nina read it. Then they look at each other and then back to me. 'Oh my gosh! This is like the best thing that ever can happen to you. Damn you're so lucky. Are you going?' Nina asks while she smiling super happy. 'Yes! Yes of course I'm going!'

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