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It's two days later now and I feel so much better. Shawn is with me all the time and gives me everything I need. He lays next to me when I fall asleep, gives me food or something to drink and plays songs for me while I'm laying with me head on his legs.
I'm so happy to be with him again and that everything is over now. We have two more weeks and then I have to go back home. My parents heard from the kidnapping and they were so worried. I called them and told them everything's okay and that Shawn takes good care of me. Shawn quit his tour for this week but he will start again in three days. He doesn't wanna leave me behind alone here and I absolutely don't wanna be home alone, so I will go with Shawn to all his concerts. The days when he doesn't have a concert we just stay home and relax.
The days are flying by and we have an amazing time. It's already the last day together before I'll fly back. I'm packing my stuff and search some clothes I left somewhere behind. While I'm putting my clothes in my bag Shawn walks in the room and grabs me from behind. He gives me little kisses in my neck. 'You're the sweetest and most beautiful girl I've ever met. You're better than an angel and you're so strong. I love you so much, you can't imagine that.' Shawn whispers in my ears. I turn around and say: 'Mister Mendes, I love you even more. No one can ever love you so much as I do.' I put my lips on his and we kiss for a really long time. He pushes me on bed and he whispers more sweet things in my ears. One hour later we realize it's already time to make diner. I leave my half packet clothes for what it is and walk with Shawn downstairs. I already wanna start cooking when Shawn says: 'Put in your shoes, we're going out.'
The restaurant Shawn took me to was amazing and the food was delicious.
When we walk home we don't say much. I feel so sad I have to leave him behind again.
Before we arrive home Shawn takes me in his arms and kisses me. Then we walk home and go to bed. I fall asleep with his arms around me.
The next morning we get up early because my airplane will leave soon. A taxi drives us to the airport and we say goodbye. I cry again. This kinda goodbyes hurts me so much. Shawn cries, too: 'I'm gonna miss you so much, baby girl. I will miss you next to me when I fall asleep. I'll miss your kisses and your cute laugh. I'll miss every inch of you.' 'I'm gonna miss you, too, so much.' We both cry and Shawn hugs me really tight. 'Goodbye sweetie.' 'Goodbye, my love.' I turn around and walk away.

When I come home my best friend Nina is waiting for me outside. She runs to me and gives me a hug. 'Gosh, Soraya. I was so worried when I heard you were missing. I haven't sleep that days and barely ate or drank. I was so scared you were dead or something.' She starts crying. 'Hey, Nina, it's okay. I'm alive and I'm here now. So don't worry anymore.' 'Yeah, I know.' She smiles through here tears and walks with me inside. She stays with me and also stays here during the night because I'm still afraid to be alone. We talk about everything. I tell her everything what Shawn and I did and what happened when I was kidnapped. Nina is so happy for me to have Shawn as my boyfriend. When we are quiet for a while, she says: 'I've been thinking a lot and I decided to move with you to Canada so I can go to college there, too. Only if you want.' 'Yes! Oh my gosh, yes of course I want that! That would be so amazing. I couldn't leave you here because I would miss you so much. And I don't have to be alone when Shawn has a concert. Maybe we can search an apartment to live in for a while.' 'Yes! Wait, didn't you had an apartment already?' 'Uhm yes. I totally forgot that. But yes my mom found one for me and when I was there I visited it and it was so cute. It's big enough for two persons so we can stay there together.'
We talk the whole night and forget to sleep. When it's already morning I fall asleep because I'm so tired. In the early afternoon I wake up and see Nina looking at me. 'Are you finally awake, sleepy head?' 'Yes, I think so.' 'Good, can we go eat then because I'm starving.' I laugh, 'Why are you always thinking about food?' 'What? I love food.'
When we're eating my mom joins us at the dining table and Nina and I tell her our plans. My mom thinks it's an amazing idea and she says she will call Nina's mom to come over so they can talk about it and prepare so things.
Nina and I go back to my room and we lay on our beds and talk a lot about everything.

-one week later-

Nina stayed with me the whole week because she didn't want me to leave alone. She's such an amazing friend. Our moms called the owners of the apartment and said they wanna buy it. They will pay the apartment for us. In two weeks we will fly to Canada to move in. Our moms will go with us and stay there for a week to fix everything. I also FaceTimed a lot with Shawn and told him out plans. He really loved the idea because he knew I wouldn't be alone then and we both know I can't go with him to all his concerts.
For now I decide to go to Lukas. I haven't seen him for a really long time and I really wanna see and talk to him again. Five minutes later I arrive at his house. Before I even rang the door he already opens it and hugs me: 'It's so good to see you again! I was so worried that you wasn't here anymore.' I smile at him, 'Don't worry anymore. I'm still here.' 'Thank god. So how was your time in Canada?' I tell him everything and we have such an amazing time. I can see on his face that he doesn't like that I go away soon again. When it's time to leave I say: 'I'll try to visit you as much as I can these next two weeks and when I'm in Canada I will FaceTime and call you almost everyday!'
The time flies and before I know it it's the last day in London. Tomorrow I will fly back to Canada and I can't wait anymore.

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