Without you

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I've searched everywhere. On the beach, in the forest, on all my favorite places. I've looked in every store. Asked to everyone I saw in the street if they saw a girl with brown long hair and ocean blue eyes. But no one saw her... I'm slowly breaking and I don't know if I can take it any longer. How am I supposed to live without her? The pain inside me is growing and growing. I'm afraid I can't take it any longer. I have to find her. No one can stop me. For now I decide to go home and maybe I'll find something of her what leads her to the place she is now. Then a terrible thought pops up in my head, what if she's not even alive anymore? What if she's laying somewhere with no one to help her and is she not even breathing because I was too late to help her? What if...? I cry. The whole night I cry. When the sun rises I'm still crying and I didn't sleep at all. I can't eat now and I walk around in the living room. Maybe I have to cancel tour for a while. So I do that. The team who always helps me knows now what's wrong. They all offered to help me and they will fix that I won't be in stage for a few days. I also post a message on twitter: can't be on stage for a few days guys. I'm so sorry but something terrible happened... I promise I'll do all the concerts I miss now, later
I hope the fans will understand but I'm sure they do. I have the most incredible and sweet fans in the world so they definitely understand.
Then I think of soraya again and my heart breaks. How can someone do this to us? Why? I fall on the ground and cry..

Everything hurts. I've cried so much that I'm totally empty now. I can't cry anymore. I also didn't eat since the the day I ate that pizza alone in Shawn's house. Would he search for me now? I feel so broken and alone. I've never felt so bad in my whole life. Would I ever get out of this or would I die here and never see Shawn again?

Another day passed by. Another day without Soraya. Another day without hearing anything from her and another day of waiting and pain which is killing me. The police is doing a big research now but they haven't found anything.
It's two o'clock in the morning and I haven't sleep yet. I haven't sleep for more than 60 hours now and I'm afraid I won't sleep the next few days either. I probably won't sleep till Soraya is back.
A few hours later I hear my phone buzzing. I pick up and a policeman says something to me. They've found a place in the forest and it's very clear a girl lay on the ground there. A few footsteps are around that place. It's really weird and the police thinks it has something to do with Soraya. They also found a little bit of blood on the place where probably the girl her head lay. I'm scare now. What if someone killed her there and hide her somewhere? After the policeman said they would send the blood to a laboratory for research, he hangs up.
I sit on the couch with my phone still in my hands.

-two days later-

Another policeman just told me the blood is from Soraya. But it wasn't much so it's almost impossible she's been killed there.
They also found a person who can have something to do with this. It's a girl. Almost the same age as Soraya and she lives close to the city. She doesn't have an alibi for that night and after a little bit more research the police found out she is a kinda fan of Shawn because she has been to a concert of him. Also they found out she get really mad and when she is like that she can't control herself anymore. The police will follow her for a few days and then they'll see if she really has to do something with this.
I can't handle all this information. "We will wait a few days" "maybe she has something to do with this" "maybe we found a solution" "maybe you can see Soraya back in a few days". This are all just uncertainties. They don't know anything for sure. It's really killing me. The police really thinks they have the time of the world. If they don't do anything I'll go looking for myself.
I walk to do bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I look bad. Dark circles are surrounding my eyes. I'm skinnier and my face looks serious and sad. But however, it doesn't matter how I look. I have to find Soraya before it's to late.

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