Back in your arms

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Two months later

I'm graduated and I'm so happy. I was hoping so bad that I would graduate because I was only thinking about Shawn. I miss him so much. We FaceTime everyday but when we're not I'm crying all the time. In my room in the floor, when I lay in bed, when I fall asleep, whenever I hear a sad love song. I cry every time. But my crying got less because I'm going to him in one week! I'm so happy. I saved a lot of money. Worked extra. Got an extra job and now I have enough money for a plane ticket. I also saved a lot of money for my plans to move to Canada. I told my parents and they said they would think about it.
'Soraya! Can you come downstairs?' My mom is shouting at me. I guess they wanna talk with me about the plans. I walk downstairs and sit down in a chair. My dad is already sitting there and my mom walks in the room with three cups of tea.
'So, me and your mom have been thinking about what you said about moving to Canada. We decided you can go. IF Shawn isn't distracting you and finish college. We really love Shawn and we wish you and Shawn the best. He's an amazing guy and we can see he really loves you. Even though we have seen him once he made a good impression on us.' 'Wow. I'm speechless.' I'm so happy with everything my parents said. 'I.. I... thank you so much!' I give both my parents a hug. 'No problem hun, all I want is to see you happy. I already looked for a room there and I found something pretty amazing. It's a small apartment and only five minutes away from Shawn's house.' 'Aaw mom that's so sweet. Can I see it?' My mom shows the apartment. It's a cute apartment and big enough for me alone. It has a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom and a small living room. That's all I need. 'I sent a email to those people and they say you can have a look next week. So maybe you and Shawn look together?' 'Yes, I can ask him.'
That evening I FaceTime Shawn. 'Hey my little queen.' 'Hey handsome. I have amazing news! I'm gonna move to Canada and I will go there to college. My mom already found an apartment that's really close to your house. My parents will pay my college and I'll pay the apartment.' 'Of my gosh, Soraya! That's amazing news. I can't wait till your here. During the summer holidays I don't have tour for almost 2 months so we can spend a lot of time together then.' Everything is so perfect now. I feel so happy. I'm already thinking about everything I wanna bring with me when I'm going to move to Canada.

One week later

I packed all my stuff. Checked everything a thousand times and now I bring all my bags to the car. My parents and my little sister Emily will bring me to the airport. Shawn will pick up when I arrive.
Three hours later we're on the airport. My dad takes my bags and they walk with me inside. I first hug Emily. She's crying and I feel tears coming up too. 'I'm gonna miss you so much girl. But I'll FaceTime you everyday and I'm back in a month.' 'I know but I'm gonna miss you, too. What do I have to do when you permanently living there?' She starts crying even harder. 'Oh can visit me a lot and I will come back at least every month. Don't worry sweetie. Everything will be fine.' I give her a kiss on her forehead. Then I hug my parents. 'Watch out. I hope you have a save flight. And call us when you're home.' 'I will' I take my bags and walk away.
It's really boring in the plane. I'm listening to Shawn's music. I miss his voice and everything else of him so much. 5 hours later I finally hear the stewardess saying we have to put our seatbelt on because we're about to land.
I'm walking on the airport looking for Shawn. My bags are so heavy so I don't walk fast. Then I see him. He sees me too now. I drop my bags and run to him. I jump in his arms and cry. He holds me. I put my legs around his body. I don't let him go. 5 minutes later he puts me on the ground. He kisses me. Soft and carefully.

I'm so happy I can hold soraya in my arms again. I've never been happier in my entire life. She will stay for a month and then she goes back to her home and fix the last things before she moves to Canada. And then we can be together forever. I grab her bags and walk with her to my taxi.
She will stay at my house. I still have concerts to go to but Soraya doesn't mind. She will go to 5 concert I paid for her and the others she will stay home. When we arrive at home we eat something easy and then Soraya takes a shower. After that she lays on the couch because she's tired. After a while I lay myself next to her. I put my arms around her and she falls asleep with her head on my chest. A few minutes later I fall asleep, too. Still with my arms around her.

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