Let her go

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Taehyung's POV

"Tae what the -" Jungkook said as him and the others rounded the corner.
"HEY!" Jimin yelled. He ran over to Y/N and stood in between her and her father.
"Move out the way kid, she needs to learn a lesson." Mr Low said.
"No!" Jungkook yelled as he stepped with Jimin. Yoongi and I ran over to see if Y/n was alright.
"Y/n?" Yoongi asked her. No response.
"Y/N!" I yelled as I shook her unconscious body. I stood back and Yoongi picked her up.

"But her down kid!" Mr Low yelled.
"No! He won't, you hurt Taehyung! We don't work for you anymore. We will keep you from Y/N at all cost!" Jungkook yelled. Wow, I didn't know he was so protective of her.
"Haha, these kids." Mr Low said.

Mr Low then grabbed Y/N and put a knife to her neck.
"No!" I yelled.
"Don't worry Tae! I've got this." Jungkook said as he stepped closer to Mr Low.

Jungkook then roundhouse kicked Mr Low in the head, causing him to pass out. Jungkook then picked Y/N up.
"Come on Kookie, let's take her home." Yoongi said and we all went to the car.

"I know where she lives, we could all go there?" I said, they all looked at me shocked and confused.
"How do you?" Jimin asked,
"Don't ask let's just go." I replied and got in the car, the others followed. I directed them to Y/N's house and the boys looked impressed at it. I went into her pocket and got out her house key. I unlocked the door and we all clambered in. Jungkook went upstairs to put her in bed while Yoongi rang Namjoon to tell to come round with the others.


I awoke to see I wasn't on the floor anymore. I looked around and recognised my bedroom. I got out of the bed and walked towards the door, opened it and walked down the stairs. I then was greeted by 7 faces.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.
"Y/N! I'm so sorry! I didn't know." Yoongi said as he came over to me and gave me a hug.
"YOONGI!" Taehyung yelled, I felt suffocated.
"Oops sorry." He said.
"Umm... can you guys do something for me?" I asked.
"Sure." They said in unison,
"Help me bring down my father." I told them, they all nodded.
"Let's make a plan." Namjoon said.
"Wait! First I need to call someone." I said as I ran to the phone in the kitchen.

"Hello?" Said the voice in the other side of the phone.
"Jennie! Come round mine! Bring the gang, we and Bangtan are going to take down my father." I explained.
"Coming!" She said and hung up.

2 hours later we have all devised a plan. Jennie and I would be bait and the gang and Bangtan would take down that retched father for sure.

A/N~ this chapter is a little shorter than others but the next one is 😍😍! See you soon!

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