Chapter 2

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Willow woke in a very bright, white room. She groaned and kept her eyes closed. She was only half conscious and she had been drugged up. She couldn't tell what was really happening.

"She's the girl?" One voice spoke. It sounded like echoes to Willow's poor drugged up mind.

"Yes, we've run the test. She's positive." Another voice slurred. All Willow could see were shapes and shadows when she squinted her eyes. The first figure circled around Willow, as if examining her.

"Excellent and did the other test?" The first voice questioned.

"Of course we did sir." A third voice echoed.

"She's positive." The second voice confirmed. The first person sneered at this response and things getting knocked over could be heard.

"Run the extraction immediately." The first voice snapped and the sound of a door slamming sounded throughout the room. Willow groaned again and struggled to gain full consciousness.

"She's waking up!" The second voice spoke in alarm.

"Get the cloth." The third voice hissed. A cloth was forced over Willow's face and she was beginning to lose consciousness again but before that could happen, something barged into the room with brute force. The two voices were yelling and a struggle could be heard.

"Save the girl!" A loud voice barked. Willow tried to see what was going on but she was beginning to fall back asleep. She felt someone pick her up and she was getting carried away. She struggled to open her eyes and saw a glimpse of someone in a government issued suit. She couldn't fight the sleepy feeling anymore and she fell asleep.

Willow woke up fully and this time she was in a cell like room. She glanced around at the bland, grey walls. There was a door with a small peep hole, probably so that whoever was keeping her in here could watch her. Willow glanced down and noticed someone had tucked her in a nice warm bed and she was hooked up to a hospital machine that was putting fluids into her. The drugs that her kidnappers had used on her must have really done a number on her. Willow sat up, trying not to make a sound. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest. She carefully unhooked the needle from her arm that was connected to the machine and went to the door but there was no handle. She immediately felt panicked and without thinking, banged on the door, "Let me out!" She screamed, "Let me out!" She heard footsteps getting closer and Willow backed away. If whoever had taken her this time was dangerous as well she needed to be ready. She yanked off a loose pole that had been a part of the bed she was sleeping on and gripped it tight. She heard the door begin to open. Her heart was in her throat now. A man in uniform walked into the room and Willow hit him in the stomach with the pole. He staggered back in surprise and Willow bolted out the door as fast as she could. The building around her was definitely a top secret association of some kind. The walls were plain but had the official seal, N.R.A., plastered on. The doors around her were all labeled different things that looked top secret and mysterious. What kind of place was this?

"Someone stop her!" The officer who Willow had hit called out loudly. Three officers began running down the hall towards her. She began to run down the hall, throwing the pole down. She didn't know where she was or why she was here. What did they want from her? She went down twists and turns until she reached a dead end. She glanced back, hearing the officers getting closer. She was trapped, if only she could sink into the wall somehow. Willow felt a little funny for a second and tried to hide in a corner even though she knew it was pointless.

The officers rounded the corner and stopped right in front of Willow. They glanced at each other in confusion, "Where'd she go?" A lady officer questioned.

"She should be here. There's no where else she could have gone." A man officer replied slowly.

Willow was also confused. Why couldn't they see her? She was right in front of them. She looked down at herself and realized nothing was there. She let out a blood curdling scream and backed herself up against the wall. The officers yelled in fear and took out their guns. Willow became visible again but she still screamed, "What's happening to me?! What's happening to me?!" She began sobbing in fear and she was shaking.

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