Chapter 3

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Willow watched out her window as the helicopter zoomed over everything. They had been traveling for about an hour now and the General turned to glance at Willow.

"We're here Willow!" He yelled over the noise of the helicopter.

Willow excitedly looked around through the windows but saw nothing but trees, "What do you me-" She couldn't finish that sentence because General Wallows had steered the copter all the way down and now they were dive bombing toward the ground, "Ahhhhh!!" Willow screamed and covered her face. General Wallows kept going and went through the trees but nothing happened. There was no crash. Willow uncovered her face and gasped when she realized what had happened. The trees were nothing more than a hologram to hide the secret hideout. She looked out the window now to see a good sized building surrounded by beautiful nature. And there was also a big wall around the building with barbed wire on top. They were obviously trying to keep something out and it frightened Willow slightly.

The General chuckled and opened the copter door, "I always love that part of bringing the naturals here. They get so worked up." He said, still laughing. Willow smiled a little and slowly got out of the copter. The air here smelled so fresh and it felt so peaceful, "Welcome to base 9110...but we just call it the base." General Wallows spoke, interrupting Willow's thoughts.

"It's" Willow commented and glanced up at the walls, "These walls are huge."

"They have to be. We're keeping out real monsters." The General replied with a sigh, "Well come on, we should get inside." He ushered Willow into the base, locking the door behind them with some kind of keypad.

Willow looked around, taking in her surroundings. There was a long hallway in front of her with many doors on each side of the hall. There were a few workers walking up and down the halls with paperwork and clipboards. One of them saw the General and quickly walked up to him.

"Here's the notes from today's progress sir." The peppy worker smiled brightly and handed the papers to him.

"Thank you Peggy. Oh, I'd like you to meet the newest member of our base. This is Willow." General Wallows introduced Willow.

"Welcome to the base! You're going to love it here." Peggy smiled big at Willow and then ran off to get back to work.

Willow watched her run off and then she looked to the General, "So...what now?"

"Now I'll show you to your room." General Wallows led Willow down the hall and then up a flight of stairs to the next floor which was just another hallway full of rooms with numbers on them. He walked slowly until he stopped at a door with the number 512 on it, "This is yours." General Wallows explained and punched in a security code on the door's keypad. A small light on top of the keypad flashed green and the door opened. He handed Willow a piece of paper with some numbers on it, "This is your door code. Don't lose that paper until you memorized it."

"Ok, thanks." Willow took the paper and then went inside, looking at her new room in awe. Everything was so neat and clean, unlike her old room she was forced to live in at Aunt Edith's. The bed was nicely made with a blue comforter and fresh, clean white pillows. There was a black wooden desk by a nice window and a dresser that matched the desk. Willow went over to the dresser and was surprised to see it was full of clothes. She checked the sizes and was even more surprised to see that everything was in her size, "How did you..." Willow began to ask.

"Our people run thorough background checks. It wasn't that hard to figure out your size." General Wallows grinned.

"Wow..." Willow smiled big and began looking through the different shirts.

"I'll leave you here to get settled in and I'll be back in an hour to bring you to the dome." General Wallows said simply and began to leave the room.

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