Chapter 5

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Training in the Dome was nothing like what Willow thought it was going to be. They had robotic test dummies that would attack and Willow and the others had to figure out how to fight them. The others made it look so easy. The robots frightened Willow and she stayed invisible, dodging their attacks.

"Willow! You can't be afraid of the dummies. Figure out their weakness and use it against them!" General Wallows coached from the control room.

Willow groaned and turned visible. She shrieked when one of the robots started coming after her. She zig zagged through the robots and then got an idea. She went in between two and then waited until the last second to turn invisible and get out of the way. The two robots collided and exploded.

"That's more like it! Yes!" General Wallows commended Willow over the intercom. Eventually all the robots had been defeated and the General finished the session. He walked into the room with the others with a big smile, "You all did very good today."

"Yeah, because we showed up like we were supposed to." Ryan whispered to Benny with a snicker.

General Wallows' smile faded, "Aaron missed yet again, another session. Where is he?"

"Roof." Everyone answered simultaneously.

General Wallows' face went red, "I've had just about enough of his rebellious attitude towards this." He began walking away quickly.

"Let's see what happens!" Ryan told the others and they quickly went after the General all the way up the stairway to the roof.

General Wallows opened the hatch and went up without hesitation. He went right over to Aaron who was sleeping in his chair, loud music blasting. The General turned off the music which woke Aaron up with a start.

Aaron glared at the General in irritation and stood up, "What do you want old man?" He hissed meanly.

"Show me some respect Aaron. I'm your commanding officer." General Wallows snapped, "And this is the last time you miss a training session. You are to attend them all and cooperate from now on." He said firmly. His face looked serious and it was hard for the General to hold back from yelling.

"You can't make me do anything." Aaron smirked and crossed his arms.

"I most certainly can. I could lock you up in the detention block! Is that what you want?!" General Wallows began yelling, not being able to control it any longer.

"Go ahead! I'd love to see you try!" Aaron shot back angrily. He tried to ignite his hands but the power blocker bracelet was still on his wrist.

"Until you cooperate I'm not taking that thing off your wrist!" General Wallows shouted and began to walk away, "You'll show up for training tomorrow or it's the detention block for you!" He added and then slammed the hatch behind him.

Willow, Ryan, Benny and Katie came out of their hiding spot and glanced up the stairway to the roof, "How mad do you think he is?" Katie whispered to the others.

Suddenly loud banging could be heard on the roof and the sound of Aaron yelling angrily could be heard. The sound of things being thrown across the roof were heard throughout the building.

"I'd say he's pretty mad...let's scatter!" Ryan exclaimed and everyone took off in different directions, all except Willow who glanced back up towards the roof.

What if Katie was right and Aaron did want to befriend her? Willow neared the stairs wondering if she should go talk to Aaron. More loud banging came from the roof and Willow stepped back. She decided that now wasn't the best time and ran off like the others did. She decided to do some exploring around the base for a bit. She went down to the lower level and passed through a few halls. The workers looked so busy and didn't seem to notice Willow. She walked through one hall and then another and then noticed the General's office. She glanced around to make sure she was alone and then turned the doorknob. It was unlocked. She peeked in to see an empty, neat office. She walked in and closed the door behind her. She quietly began snooping around the office. There was a long, black desk in the middle of the room and a laptop on the surface. Willow walked around the desk to get a better look at the laptop. She turned it on but frowned when she saw it needed a password for her to go any further. She looked over some papers on the desk but nothing seemed to catch her eye. There were some drawers under the desk and Willow opened the top one. Inside there was a box of black bracelets. She recognized them as power blockers like the one Aaron had. In with the box were small black pieces of metal that looked like pretzel sticks. Willow took one in her hand curiously.

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