Chapter 8

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"You did what?" General Wallows turned to Willow with a stern expression, scaring Willow even more.

"I... I didn't think..." Willow tried to say with big eyes.

"That he'd use it? That he'd escape? That he'd act out?" General Wallows began getting louder.

Willow felt tears begin to well up in her eyes and she looked away, "I'm sorry."

General Wallows didn't reply to that. He shook his head as he thought for a moment, "Katie, you're staying here to watch over her." He gestured to Willow, "Boys, you're coming with me." He motioned to the helicopter. Benny and Ryan exchanged looks of concern before going back to the helicopter. The main door slammed close.

Katie glanced over at Willow who was being really quiet, "Willow..." She began to say but Willow turned invisible.

She began running through the halls, avoiding running into workers. She ran up to her room and locked the door behind her. She turned visible, sank to the floor and began to sob. She had cried for a good hour before Katie came and knocked on the door.

"Go away Katie..." Willow said through sniffles.

"Willow, just let me in." Katie asked in a soft voice.

Willow sighed and wiped her eyes quickly before opening the door, "I don't want to talk Katie..."

Katie stepped inside and closed the door. She then sat next to Willow on the floor, "It's fine if you don't want to talk. We can just sit." Katie said simply.

Only a few moments went by before Willow broke the silence, "Does the General hate me?" Her eyes got watery again.

"Of course not...he's just angry right now. Why would you give Aaron the key though? That wasn't really a great move..." Katie tilted her head slightly.

Willow gave Katie a look and then sighed, "I thought if I gave him the key that...he'd want to be friends...and he'd be nicer...but I'm not sure if that worked. Giving Aaron the key...ugh, that was so stupid." Willow groaned and held her head in her hands.

"Don't beat yourself up. Aaron is just a jerk...and there's not really much you can do to change that." Katie replied and placed a hand on Willow's shoulder.

"If General Wallows finds Aaron...I'm never speaking to him ever again." Willow said angrily and looked down, "He promised that he wouldn't run off..."

"What are you talking about?" Katie questioned curiously.

"He talked to me about wanting to escape the base and then take on Demenshia by himself. I made him promise that he wouldn't do that...I can't believe he broke his promise." Willow replied, shaking her head slowly.

"Wow...Aaron really isn't the brightest if he thinks he can take Demenshia on by himself. That's suicide!" Katie made a face.

"That's what I said!" Willow exclaimed. She let out a groan, "I hope I never see him again...I'm never speaking to him again." She repeated what she said earlier, angrier this time.

"He deserves that." Katie agreed and helped Willow up, "Now let's think about something else, something more positive to put you in a better mood..." She tapped her chin as she thought, "I know...let's go to the den and watch a movie!"

"Yes please." Willow agreed and they both ran down to the den to pick out a movie.


About three hours had passed. It was 8 PM and the end credits were just beginning to roll on the second movie Willow and Katie had been watching.

"Want to watch another?" Katie glanced over at Willow who had fallen asleep. She giggled and then went over to the tv and turned it off. She was about to wake Willow when she heard something on the first floor, "The guys are back." Katie gasped.

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