Chapter 7

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Weeks had gone by and not a single mission alert had been sent into the base. Everyone was still anxiously waiting for their first mission.

"What if crime was actually wiped out for good and we're waiting for nothing?" Katie groaned dramatically. She was lying on one of the couches in the den. She was with Willow and Ryan.

"You're forgetting that Demenshia is still out there somewhere lurking about with his evil super henchmen." Ryan replied and played with a crumpled up piece of paper.

"Maybe we'll get an alert soon..." Willow said hopefully. She felt more prepared for a mission now since she had been training every day since Major Darrel visited them.

"Ugh...the waiting is agony." Katie said dramatically still.

Benny walked into the room and glanced around, "Hey...what are you guys up to?"

"Absolutely nothing." Katie groaned and purposely fell off the couch.

"We want a stinking alert Benny." Ryan glanced over at his team leader.

"Me too, but it'll come soon. I'm sure of it." Benny reassured Ryan.

"That's what you said yesterday and the day before that and the day before that." Katie whined.

Willow got up from her seat and sighed, "I'm taking a shower." She then walked out quickly. She wasn't really going to take a shower but she needed an excuse to get away from all that negative talk. She went to the rec room to see if there were any snacks set out. She was pleased to see there were individual little bags of chips set out on one of the tables. She quickly snatched up a lays sour cream and onion chip bag and opened it. She turned around to leave and nearly ran into Aaron who was running through the hall.

"Aaron?" Willow called to him.

He stopped quick and looked back at her. He had a strange expression on his face. He then ran up to her and grabbed her arm, "Come with me." He spoke urgently.

"Aaron! What's going on?" Willow exclaimed as she was basically dragged through the hallway.

He didn't reply and just kept moving and didn't stop until they were up on the roof. He brought Willow to the side of the roof that pointed toward civilization and then froze.

"What is wrong with you?!" Willow yelled and smacked Aaron in the chest. He didn't even flinch, he just pointed ahead. Willow glanced over to where he had gestured and she froze as well. There was smoke and flames in the far off distance. Willow could tell there was trouble from the size of it.

"Fire and smoke." Aaron spoke finally.

"Yeah...I see that." Willow managed a slight nod. That's when alarms went off, making Willow jump a little.

"Mission alert." Aaron grinned and ran down into the base. Willow quickly followed after him. They both made it down to the General's office where Katie was freaking out.

"What's going on?!" She asked in fear.

"It's a mission alert! I'm sure of it!" Ryan said excitedly.

"Really?" Katie's attitude changed from fear to excitement within a split second.

"He's right. We saw smoke and fire from the roof. It's not far from here." Willow added and glanced up at Aaron.

"Our first mission. This is what we've waited for." Benny smiled at the group.

General Wallows came out of his office and turned off the alarm. He looked at the group nervously and then spoke, "Ok, this isn't a drill. This is the real thing. A plane went down not far from here...and there could be survivors possibly. You need to get there and put out the fires and save the possible survivors." General Wallows said in a sad tone. He typed a code into a pin pad and the front door opened, "Claud will fly you over there." He gestured to a helicopter waiting outside. There was a pilot inside, ready to go.

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