Chapter 12

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The rain was falling gently as Willow and Aaron trudged through the dark woods. It was eerily quiet and Willow was freezing from the rain.

Aaron noticed her shivering and took off his black leather jacket, putting it around her.

Willow glared at him, "Oh so now you're going to be nice again?"

"Can you just be quiet? Be happy you're warm and get over it." Aaron hissed and then continued walking through the woods.

"Where are we going?" Willow asked as they walked.

"What did I say about asking stupid questions?" Aaron asked in response.

"Sorry...." Willow said in a snippy way.

Aaron kept feeling different trees. It was obvious he was looking for something. He kept looking at different trees until he found the one he was looking for. He smirked and gestured for Willow to come look. She went over and watched as Aaron opened a secret compartment in the tree to reveal a fingerprint scanner. Her jaw dropped in surprise. Aaron pressed his finger against the scanner and a hole in the forest floor appeared.

"Oh my gos-" Willow's mouth was covered by Aaron's hand. He gave her a warning look to remind her to stay quiet. He then motioned for her to jump down into the hole with him.

As soon as they were inside, the hole closed up and they were stuck in darkness. Then lights lit up along a hallway as if to guide them to their destination.

Aaron let out a heavy breath and walked down the hall slowly, Willow following closely behind. The hallway took a sharp left turn and then a right. Aaron had to enter a passcode into a door and then another door and another.

"How many times do you need to do this?" Willow whispered.

"Shh, we're almost there." Aaron whispered back. They made their way to now the fourth door. This door required a fingerprint scan. Aaron scanned his finger easily and they made it through the door. They were now standing in a room full of big, scary looking guys. The room was also full of dangerous weapons that they, no doubt, had stolen.

Willow's eyes went big and she hid behind Aaron. She glanced over his shoulders nervously, gently squeezing his arm.

One of the guys stood up from his seat and slowly walked up to Aaron, a mean, intimidating look on his face. He had dark, tanned skin, dark brown eyes and he was bald. He was tall and big in size which added to how intimidating he appeared to be. He then cracked a smile, "Aary!" He grabbed Aaron in a bear hug.

The other guys in the room grinned and yelled their approval of Aaron being there.

"Hey Rico." Aaron smirked slightly.

"Aary?" Willow giggled quietly.

"Shut up." Aaron snapped in a whisper.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of having you in our presence?" Rico asked with a hearty chuckle. He then shifted his gaze to Willow, grinning wide, "And who is that beautiful girl?" He put emphasis on the word beautiful.

Aaron stood in front of Willow protectively, "This is...Jess. She's my girlfriend." Aaron lied with a straight face.

Willow nearly gasped at Aaron's words but managed to hide her surprise by what he said.

"Wow! You're into losers like him?" Rico teased, "I'm joking, I'm joking. I love this guy." Rico laughed and patted Aaron on the back.

"So why are you here Aaron?" Another guy asked.

"Yeah, I haven't been here since you were 14. It's been awhile..." A third guy added with a suspicious look.

"I'll tell you as soon as you give me a little help." Aaron gestured to the device that Demenshia had put on his neck.

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