Chapter 6

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It was the next day and Willow was busy getting breakfast. She sat down at a table by herself and began to enjoy her french toast.

Aaron walked into the room and glanced at Willow for a moment before getting his own breakfast. Willow watched Aaron out the corner of her eye. She noticed he still had his power blocker on his wrist. She wrinkled her brow in confusion and looked away.

Aaron walked over to Willow and sat down across from her, "Hey Newbie."

"Hey..." Willow said in surprise.

Aaron smirked and took a bite of his egg sandwich, "Is something wrong?" He asked through a mouthful.

"You're sitting with me willingly." Willow answered suspiciously.

"Very observant." Aaron replied with a small smile and continued to eat his breakfast.

Willow frowned and looked at the bracelet on Aaron's wrist, "You're still wearing it...even though I gave you the key. Why?"

Aaron looked down at the black bracelet and shrugged, "The General will take it off when he thinks I'm ready."

"Ok, who are you and what did you do with Aaron?" Willow asked. She looked even more confused. It was like Willow had woken up in an alternate dimension where Aaron wasn't downright grumpy and rebellious.

"Newbie, would you just relax? You made me realize something yesterday." He took a loud sip of his coffee, "If I get on the General's good side then just maybe...just maybe, I could sneak out of here with him completely oblivious." He explained with a mischievous grin, "All I have to do is play everything by the book around here for a week or two and then I'll put my plan into action."

Willow chuckled quietly at what Aaron said, "Really? That's your thought process on that?"

"It's a good plan." Aaron argued with a scowl, "And it will work." He sat back in his chair and watched Willow as she gave him a look.

"What do you want to do so badly? Why do you need to escape?" Willow questioned, squinting her eyes at him.

Aaron shrugged and continued eating, "Oh you know...blow off some steam...maybe kill Demenshia while I'm at it."

Willow's eyes went wide, " can't take Demenshia on by yourself. That's suicide, you know that."

"He almost killed me that once because they caught me off guard." Aaron spoke as if he was trying to convince himself of what he was saying, "But now I'm ready for it. And since none of these clowns are going to do anything about him..." Aaron gestured around, referring to the General and the rest of the team, "Well someone has to do something.

Willow thought about this for a moment and then nodded, "You're right...someone should do something...but they shouldn't be alone in doing it." Willow replied simply.

"I'm not taking you with me Newbie." Aaron smirked, "Far too risky."

"I meant take the whole team...we can do this plan of yours together. We'd be unbeatable." Willow glanced at Aaron, searching his face for a response.

"They'd just slow me down." Aaron made a face.

Willow sighed, "Aaron..."

"What?" He gave her an annoyed expression. He knew by the sound of Willow's tone that she was going to come at him with some kind of logic that he wasn't going to like.

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