Chapter 11

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Aaron woke up with a start and jumped up from where he had been sleeping. He was in a bright tube like cell. The cell was completely see through, almost like a bubble. The room he was in was completely white and on the other side of the room was Willow in another tube cell. She was asleep still, unaware of the danger she was in.

"Willow!" Aaron tried to yell to her. He banged on the walls of the cell but there was no response. He winced from hitting the wall with his bad hand. He examined his bandaged hand and rolled his eyes. He definitely regretted punches a hole through a table. Aaron shook his hand to shake off the pain and then looked around his cell for a way out. There didn't seem to be a door, a window or anything. He scowled and slammed himself against the wall of the cell. Nothing happened which just annoyed him even more.

"Aaron?" Willow woke up and instantly began to panic, "Where are we? What's going on?" She put her hands to the cell wall, her heart beating rapidly.

"Demenshia's lair." Aaron replied, trying to stay calm, "There's no way out of these cells."

"So what do we do?" Willow asked, her voice beginning to shake.

Aaron ran his fingers through his hair as he thought, "Just stay calm ok? I'll think of something."

Willow didn't reply. She sunk to the floor of her cell and hugged her legs, trying to comfort herself. She closed her eyes and tried not to think about where she was. She instead began thinking about her parents. She thought about all the good memories she had with them when they were alive. She had so many good memories and even though they made her sad at times they still filled her with happiness. The more she went through her memories the calmer she got. But her calming feeling went away when someone entered the room. Her eyes flew open and she looked to Aaron. He mouthed the word "Calm" and looked to see who was coming.

"Hello precious Naturals." Ed sneered as he walked up to the tube cells, "I can smell the fear on you. It's delicious." Ed spoke ominously and focused his attention on Willow. He looked at her with such a crazed expression. Just the expression on Ed's face was enough to scare Willow and he hadn't even done anything yet.

"Just get it over with!" Willow squeaked fearfully, "Just kill us and get it over with!" She was trembling now.

Aaron gave Willow a look and then cleared his throat, "What do you want from us?"

"Well I would love nothing more than to see you both suffer and die..." Ed replied, running his hand down the side of Willow's cell, "But Demenshia has other plans." Ed then pulled a lever, releasing both Willow and Aaron, "Don't try anything or I will kill. Demenshia gave me permission to do that if you give me trouble." Ed smirked and motioned for the two to follow him.

Willow glanced at Aaron who just nodded to her slowly. She bit her lip and followed Ed out of the bright white room. They went down a dark hallway to a creepy room with blood red walls and black carpets. There were a couple couches and a lamp but no windows which made the room full of stagnant air.

"Wait here." Ed whispered creepily into Willow's ear. He smiled which made him look deranged. He left the room and made sure to close the door as slowly as he could.

A shiver went down Willow's spine and she found herself clutching Aaron's arm, "Aaron...I don't like this. I don't like this one bit. I want to get out of here."

"I know...don't worry. We'll get out of here." Aaron replied calmly. He let Willow cling to him still which was very comforting to her.

Willow studied the room and noticed some pictures on the wall of a strange looking man. His face was full of scars and half of his face looked almost like it had melted slightly. He had silver colored gray hair that had grown long but in the pictures was kept in a bun and his eyes...his eyes were black, the blackest eyes Willow had ever seen. It was like they were watching her every move, plotting the best way to dispose of her. The more Willow stared at the pictures the tighter her hold on Aaron got.

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