Chapter 10

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Benny stepped in front of the group without a second thought, letting Fiona attack him. He struggled to throw her down to the ground. She suddenly grew long claws and thrashed around, trying to sink her claws into Benny.

"I could use some help here!" Benny exclaimed as he dodged Fiona's sharp claws.

Ryan came up behind Fiona and grabbed her arms, forcing them behind her, "I got her!" He exclaimed.

"Ed!" Fiona yelled in aggravation. She wiggled around in Ryan's hold and let out an annoyed yell. She then shoved him in the ribs and then head butted him. He loosened his grip on her and she zoomed away from him.

Ed jumped down from the building he was on and stood next to Fiona. He sized up the team and smirked, "It's nice to finally see you all out in the open where you'll be easy to kill." He circled the team with a smirk, "I'm Ed and that's Fiona. We'll be responsible for your deaths today." He chuckled at his morbid remark.

"Start with this one! He's annoying!" Fiona snarled, gesturing to Ryan who glared back at her.

"Hmm..." Ed scanned over the group and his eyes fell on Willow. He grinned evilly, "You, I remember were so much fun to kidnap... I think I'll enjoy your demise."

Willow's eyes got big and she stepped back towards Benny. Ed's eyes began to turn red. He then shot laser beams out of his eyes toward Willow.

She jumped out of the way with a yelp. The laser beam hit a pile of garbage, making it burst into flames.

"Leave her alone!" Ryan screamed and charged at Ed. He punched him in the face hard, sending him flying into a car that was already tipped over on it's side.

"Idiot." Fiona giggled and sunk her claws into Ryan swiftly.

"Ahhh!" Ryan screamed and kicked Fiona away.

Katie zoomed around Fiona, making a tornado. The tornado spun out of control, causing Fiona to fly far into the distance. She crashed into a building and snarled. She shook off the debris and went charging back towards the group.

Ed jumped up and cracked his neck and knuckles, "Alright, you want a real fight? You've got it." Ed shot more lasers out of his eyes. This time he shot them toward Aaron.

Aaron ignited his hands, expertly dodging the beams. He charged toward Ed, throwing rapid fireballs. The fireballs hit Ed over and over but nothing happened. Ed just stood there with a smirk on his face. Aaron stepped back slightly in confusion and then threw a dozen more fireballs his way. Still nothing happened.

"What the heck..." Aaron panted, a confused expression still on his face.

"Fire retardant skin." Ed snickered evilly, "Courtesy of Demenshia." Ed promptly kicked Aaron in the stomach and then in his side.

"Benny!" Aaron yelled, wincing in pain.

Benny glanced over to Aaron and then looked back at Katie, Willow and Ryan. They seemed to have Fiona under control for the time being. He raced over to Aaron's side and froze over Ed within seconds.

"You ok?" He asked Aaron.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." Aaron said gruffly, getting up from the ground.

Ed broke out of the ice easily and laughed, "You call yourselves naturals? You should call yourselves weaklings!" He hissed meanly.

"How did you do that?! That was 20 inches of thick ice!" Benny exclaimed in shock.

"Super strength you nitwit." Ed smirked and then threw a punch toward Benny. Aaron knocked Ed out of the way and threw fire at him even though he knew that was pointless.

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