Chapter 17

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The celebration was loud, full of laughter and fun. There was so much happiness everywhere you looked. There were party games and dancing with live music. It was everything a celebration should be.

Katie let out a shriek of excitement, "I'm at a party. An actual party. Do you know how long it's been since I've been to one of these?" She asked Willow with big eyes full of happiness.

"Too long." Willow giggled.

"Precisely!" Katie replied and then took off through the town to investigate the party.

Willow walked around for a bit by herself and then joined Ryan and Benny who were over by a small town pond. They were watching a couple people fish.

"You're watching people fish?" Willow looked at Ryan with a strange look.

"Why not?" Ryan grinned, putting his arm around Willow.

Katie zoomed up to Willow, Ryan and Benny with a small bag, "You would not believe what I found." She spoke in a quiet tone and then opened the bag.

Willow glanced in and giggled, "Are grapes?"

"Yes!" Katie grinned, putting some in her mouth.

"Why?" Benny chuckled.

"Because the General only ever gets the red grapes, never green." Katie explained, "But the green ones are so much better."

"The General has been holding out on us." Ryan chimed in with a smirk.

"You're telling me!" Katie agreed and then glanced over at a building, "They're dancing in there if any of you are interested." She offered and then sped away before anyone had a chance to reply.

"You want to dance?" Willow asked Ryan, tugging on his sleeve lightly.

"Uh...can it wait?" Ryan questioned, glancing from Willow to the pond. He still seemed interested in watching the fishermen which annoyed Willow slightly.

"Ok...I'll check it out myself then." Willow backed away from Ryan slowly and then walked towards the building where people were dancing. As soon as she walked in she was surrounded by people moving around and having fun. The lights were dimmed and the music was blaring. Willow smiled and weaved her way through people carefully. She looked all around for Katie and then suddenly bumped into someone.

"Watch it Willow. You could bump into the wrong person in here." A familiar voice spoke.

Willow looked up to see Aaron, "Aaron? What are you doing in here?" She asked in surprise.

"Hiding from General old timer." Aaron smirked and glanced around.

Willow rolled her eyes and sighed, "Name calling is immature and rude."

"Thank you." Aaron grinned.

"What is up with you? You're acting...almost hyper." Willow looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"It's a party, I'm cutting loose." Aaron began to dance a little in place.

" must be coming down with something." Willow laughed slightly.

Aaron held out his hand to her and grinned wide, "Come dance with me princess."

"Excuse me?" Willow looked at him in surprise.

"Come on..." Aaron drew close to her. As he did so, a slower song began to play. Aaron smirked, taking Willow's hand in his. He then proceeded to pull her close to dance.

"You're acting so weird...are you sure you're ok?" Willow looked up at him worriedly.

Aaron didn't reply, he just stared down at Willow with an almost scary smile, "I was hoping it'd be you who I ran into first. I mean after all, you're my favorite out of the group." He began to speak as he smiled.

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