The Big Whoop

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It was episode four of season two. (the one where Bipper is made) This is the setting of this wacko, screwed up dream. So, now that you know when this takes place, we shall get on with the actual plot of the story.

The Pines twines were just about to leave the library when 16 year-old Iris  turned her head. She going to go look for a shelf that sold good old manga. When she was heading into the direction of  the twins when she spotted a triangular shadow. "Yo, kids," She called out to them. They ignore her but the triangle pauses in his tracks. Iris called a little louder. " Guys, do you have a triangular friend waiting outside the window, waiting for you guys or something?" The twins just walk away, without paying attention.

Iris shrugs and put on her headphones and starts to walk out of the library. She doesn't know that the world around her had turned grey.

A yellow triangle zoomed up to her and started asking her all these questions. She walked past him. Iris finally gave notice to the isosceles, when he blocked her whole path. Iris took off her headphones. "Alright triangle guy, I don't know why you are blocking my path but if your gonna mug me, just know, I don't have cash on me. only meh library  card." The three sided creature looked at her. "How did you see me?" He asked. Iris just shrugged her shoulder for the millionth time that day.

"I just did. Well, your shadow at least." If bill had a head, then it would be nodding in an understanding way. Bill looked at this girl from head to foot. She had curly brown hair. She was wearing a grey hoodie and had a purple messenger bag over her shoulder. She had on dark-blue boot-cut jeans  and was wearing sneakers. But her face...It was the features were very similar to ones he had heard in a prophecy about three hundred  years ago.

---Flashback to 300 years--- 

Bill was floating down a corridor and he  floated into a room that was lit with fire. "Alright Vitruvius, you got me here, so what do you want?" Bill said, rolling his eye at the old wizard. "There is prophacy." Bill was enraged by this."You call me over here to tell me about some prophacy that talks about someone I don't care about?" Bill started to turn red, but Vitrivius spoke up. "This prophacy has to deal with you." Bill calmed down. "What do you mean?" Vitruvius turned to face him with his blind eyes. "This will happen later in the future, but it does happen to deal with you." Bill started to get annoyed again."Can we get on with it?" The wizard looked at him and Bill suddenly got uncomfortable.

"When the shape of three has reached sixteen, he will meet the girl who can't be beat.

She will have hair, curly and brown, but when you see her, she won't make a sound.

on her ankle, will be a birthmark like no other. If you find it, then she will be the one bound to you forever. "

Bill looked at him for a minute. Vitruvius looked at him back. "It's true. because it rhymes." Then Bill zips out of the temple, screaming.  Vitruvius died three days later from a heart attack.

---End of flashback---

"Do you have a birthmark on your ankle?" Bill asked Iris. "That's a bit personal, but yes. Yes I do." Bill's eyes widened. "Might I see it?" He asked. Iris looked at him like a crazy person. "Excuse me?" Bill had no expression to show. "If you are not going to show me, I am going to do it myself." Iris held back the urge to slap him but she couldn't hold it in. She went to go slap him, but her hand went strait through him. "Haha! Kid! all that did was tickle! So are going to-" Iris huffed, "Yes, Mr. Perverted man!" She grumbled to herself as she rolled up her jeans and rolled down her socks.

Sure enough, there was a  Birthmark like no other. Vitruvius had told him what the birthmark looked like.

---One more flashback--- 

"She will have a birthmark of a triangle with a heart inside. This will help you indicate who you will be looking for." Vitruvius informed Bill, two days before he died. "Or whom to avoid." Bill said. V (is it alright if we call him V? THANKS!) rolled his eyes. "You can't avoid this Cipher." He told him. "This is your destiny." Bill started to get frightened again.

"Spawns would be out of the question. Right?" V sighed and looked at Bill in a way that meant business. "That would be up for you and your 'destined' to decide for yourselves." Bill looked relived.

Bill attended V's funeral two days later.


On Iris' ankle was a triangle with a small heart inside. Bill groaned and turned a good 380º. "What is it?" Iris asked. She looks down at her birthmark. "OH! That. I have had it ever sense I was an infant. I have looked in every dictionary I could find, and not a thing!" Bill stopped and faced her. "It's not on how weird it is. It's the fact that when you turn twenty, you will have to marry me and become my wife for all eternity." Iris looked at him. She opened her mouth, but Bill cut her off before she could say anything. "Once you are married to me, you will become immortal and blah, blah, blah." Iris turned pale and fainted right on the spot.

The Bride of Bill Cipherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن