Meet the crew!

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"I...uh...called you that because we are going to be a thing in four years, so basically we are a couple...just dating wise." Bill said blushing. Iris furrowed her eyebrows. "You mean like, boyfriend and girlfriend wise?" Bill lit up. "Yes that is exactly it! Also, I'm crazy. What else would you expect?" Iris took that to notice. There are some things about this shape that Iris would never understand. She had come to know this by the one day she spent with him.

"Nah. We may have to get married in four years but I know that neither of us have a crush on each other." Iris started to explain. When she said on how neither of them had a crush on one another, Bill averted his eye and blushed. What is he hiding? "But I think we should just be friends." Bill wasn't listening. "Hmm?" Iris rolled her eyes. "Never mind. We can just take it slow and be good friends." Bill nodded. "Oh! Hey! There are some fellas just outside this room who would really, really like to meet you!" He extended the 'really' to say that the 'someone's' actually did want to meet her.

Bill snapped his fingers and Iris was back in the dress she was in the previous day. Just with her hair swung off to the side instead of a bun. "Shall we milady?" He held out his hand to her and she took it. Bill pulled her towards the door and opened it for her. She hesitated to step out, so Bill pushed her out.

They walked out into the living room and two monsters were there. One had magic eight balls for eyes, and the other was a set of teeth with arms and legs. "What is a HUMAN doing here boss?" Teeth asked Bill. "You, uh, remember the prophecy that I told you guys about a few years back and we made fun of it saying how it wasn't gonna come true?" Bill said, rubbing the back of his neck. 8 balls nodded. "I remember. But, why is it a human?" Bills' shoulders sagged. "Because she has the mark." The two monsters' faces were filled with both shock and disappointment. "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?!" teeth said, flaring his arms. Bill just looked at him like ,'dude, how much more do I have to explain?' "I am trying to say that she is the one I am supposed to marry in a few years. There is no dodging this one guys."  While all of this was going on, Iris, being the clever girl she is but also very shy, she snuck back into the bedroom. she sat on the bed and fiddled with her fingers, pulling on them and curling them around her other hands' fingers. She did this when she either got nervous or excited.

And in this case, she was more nervous than she ever was in her life.

Bill, after thoroughly explaining the whole situation  to Teeth, 8 balls came to a solution. "What is we were just to kill her boss?" Bill looked at him and rubbed his temples. "Then you will be out of a job." He said. The two henchmen's eyes were (well not teeth because he had none) filled with an 'OH.' expression.

"Just go guys. I don't want to talk about this anymore." Bill said, pointing to the door and hanging his head.

They left and Bill turned around to walk Iris around the house. When he saw that she disappeared, his first instinct was to go find the two idiots that just left his house, but something told him to check the bedroom. When he did so, he found her there, sitting on the bed. He heaved a sigh of relief.  "Please don't do that again. You had me worried for a second there." He said looking at her and smiling a crooked smile.

"Oh, so you have feelings for me now?" Iris said, raising an eyebrow, not looking impressed. This guy is basically saying she is destined to have stockholm syndrome and have feelings for him in the end. 

Bill was reading her mind and felt guilty.   'Why was I worried anyway? It's just losing your immortality. Plus, you see how those humans destroy each other in seconds. Why not do the same?' he thought. But then he looked at Iris. He just looked at her in awe. "Is anyone alive in there?" She asked, waving her hand in front of his face.

Bill blinked. "Oh! Um...Yeah. Just thinking." He said, averting his eye to look away from her. He turned his head in the direction he was looking so Iris couldn't see him blushing. 'GAH! What are these feelings?' he thought. "Are you alright?" Iris asked, an expression a worry grew on her face. *she placed her hand on his shoulder and Bills face grew into a fiery raspberry shade. "Please excuse me while I go to the bathroom for no apparent reason!" He said as he sped walked away towards the bathroom.


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