The truth is out

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Iris woke up in a bed with covers of silk. She had no idea where she was or HOW she got there, but she immediately looked under the covers to make sure all her clothes were still on her. Iris had seen enough kidnapping young girl movies to know better than to not check your clothes first. She looked heved a sigh of relief to only find that her sneakers were off. Nothing more. She swung her legs over the bed and sat on it. She looked around the room and took in her surroundings. There was a small closet, and black walls. No windows, or any decoration of any kind. But there was a bookshelf, but it was bare. Some books, but they were Iris counted from where she sat, scared to move. She counted twelve two-hundred page books for writing in.

As Iris was frantically looking for her messenger bag where it keeps her journal, her sketch pad and pencils, and her house key. As she spotted it across the room, in a heap. As she just sat there, thinking about where she was, how she got there and how to escape, Bill entered the room.

"Oh, good. Your awake." he said and all that happened, hit Iris in the head like a title wave. She started to feel woozy again. "Don't pass out on me again!" Bill said. Iris just looked at him. "So let me get this straight. I am going to have to MARRY you in four years?" Bill stared at her. "How old are you again?" Iris stared back. "You never asked. And, you're obviously smart so do the math. In FOUR years, I will have to marry you when I'm TWENTY." Bill looked at her like, 'really?' "So you're sixteen." Iris claps in a sarcastic way. "Good job! When did you finally get a brain?"

Bill just rolled his eye. "Look. There is a prophacy about a girl with the exact same birthmark as you who when, you arleady know this, turns twenty, has to marry me." Iris ponders this. "But I'm mortal. And aren't you immortal? So how would that work out exactly?"

Bill sighs. "When you marry me, you will become immortal." Iris slowly nods her head. "But how am I supposed to marry a geometrical shape?" Bill sighs again and slowly changes his shape. He becomes his human form. His hair was a floricent gold color. He wore a yellow tail coat, black dress pants and shoes. The only thing that hadn't changed, was the fact that he had a bow tie and a top hat. He gestured himself as if to say 'like this.' (basically the cover picture for this book)

Iris slowly nods her head in understanding. Bill snaps his fingers and Iris' cloths changed instantly. Her usual jacket and jeans were changed to a yellow dress. It came down to her knees and had spaghetti straps. Her sneakers were changed into black heels. The heels were about one inch. Her usual ponytail was tossed into a tight bun. Her usual pink studs were changed into black dangles that were surprisingly light.

Bill held out his hand. Iris looked at it wearily. "Do you want to dance?" Without a say, Bill grabbed Iris' hand and pulled her into a waltz position. Bill used his abilities to put on his newest recording of 'c 'minor on the piano. To Bill's surprise, this scrappy girl could dance pretty well. Iris wasn't impressed. "Why not kill me?" She asked. "You know, to break this?" Bill shakes his head. "If you do that, " He pulls her out to do a twirl. His song coming to an end. "Then I will loose my immortality and will become human. And being human is a form that I despise very much." He pulls her back in and dips her. "I don't care! I why would I want to marry some guy I for one, don't know, and two, who just happened to kidnap me, and basically FORCING me to do STOCKHOME SYNDROME!" Iris sat on the bed in frustration. Bill sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her. She pulled away and just started at the wall. Bill was hurt a little by this but it didn't phase him much. He tried again, and Iris didn't fight it.

Together...they just stared at the wall. Both scared for whatever else fate throws at them.

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