Fade Into You

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It has been two week since the Tad Strange incident. Bill has found Ford at last and had visited his dreams three days before. He has been carefully moderating the  Shack now, and hasn't noticed that Iris has gotten into her old stubborn self again. She even stopped talking and sleeping and moving. He hadn't noticed this, until two days until his major plan will go into full swing.

"Iris!" He called out to her. Iris was laying down, facing the wall. And didn't respond. Bill wrinkled his nose. "Iris, dear..." he cooed, tapping her on the shoulder. She didn't budge. "Iris, I'm calling you." He said, slightly annoyed. He pulled on her shoulder to turn her over, when he did, he gasped, horrified.

Iris had dark bags under her eyes, eyebrows creased in worry, lips dry and chapped, her eyes were even so dull, Bill mistook her for being blind. He sat down next to her and ran his fingers through her hair and found that even has lost its usual glow.

"Oh, dear. What happened. Was it me? I was really busy. I'm sorry, but your over reacting. It was only two weeks." Iris finally closed her eyes. "You don't know what even happened. Do you?" Iris said. Finally looking at him. Her voice horse.

Bill blinked at her. Iris inhaled and as if by magic, her completion was replenished. Even her voice.

"I shut down. When you neglected me for the first time, I shut down, my vision went to a blur. I couldn't sleep. I didn't know what was happening, but it felt like a giant sheet being pulled over my head. That was, until, you pulled me out of it. I felt like Simba, when he lost sight of who he was, and you, Rafiki, showed me the true me."

Bill looked confused. But he shook it off. "So, you feel lost without me?" Iris shrugged. "I dunno." Then it suddenly hit Bill like a club to the skull at 50mph. "It was a punishment to you to be forced on to me. I neglected you. So you took the hit. Showing me that I can't ignore you. I'm sorry."

Iris suddenly found herself being able to move on her own. She sat up and put her hand on Bill's cheek. He looked at her and semi-smiled. "Can you ever forgive me?" Iris pretended to think about it and looked at him. "Yes." She said, smiling.

For the rest of the day, Bill took the time to hangout with his girlfriend and learn more about her. 

~Later that night, when Bill and Iris were sitting on the bed in each others arms~

Iris stood up and held her hand out to Bill. "What are you doing?" Bill asked, looking at her hand. "You wanna dance?" Bill looked up at her smiling face. "Sure. What do you want to dance to?" He asked, poofing up a few records. "Nothing. Or, I was hoping to sing something and dance to it..." Iris said, muttering the last bit about her singing. But Bill heard it.

"Of course!" He said, the records vanishing and poofing up a mic for her. "What are ya gonna sing babe?"

Iris cringed at that word. 'babe'.  It made her uncomfortable. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." Bill flicked his wrist and the mic turned into a small mic you use on documentaries.

Iris ran over to her bag and pulled out an Ipod and suddenly music started to play.

She took Bills hand and they both started to slow dance. And Iris started to sing:

"I wanna hold the hand inside you

I wanna take a breath that's true

I look to you and I see nothing

I look to you to see the truth

You live your life

you go in shadows

You'll come apart and you'll go black

Some kinda night  into your darkness

Colors your eyes with whats not there

Fade into you

Strange you never knew

Fade into you

I think its strange you never knew

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪

A strangers lights come on slowly

A strangers heart without a home

You put hands into your head

And then its smiles cover your heart

Fade into you

Strange you never knew

Fade into you

I think its strange you never knew

Fade into you

Strange you never knew

Fade into you

I think its strange you never knew

I think its strange you never knew..."

Bill smiled when she stopped singing and they stopped dancing. "Fade into you. I like that song. I think it's beautiful. Like you." Iris gushed. "Well, I think I already faded into you." She leaned over and kissed him and he kissed back, wishing the moment would never end, the two hugged and kissed, the song hanging over their heads like a mist, but it was this mist that brought them closer than before.

A/N: the '♪ ♫' was a way to show that there was a pause. In the song, the pause is a good forty seconds or so. The song is sung by Mazzy Star. it's from the album So Tonight I Might See. So check out the song sometime and tell me what you think of it. And that is a wrap on this chapter!

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