Forgiveness can go a long way

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Iris ran into the woods of Gravity Falls' mindscape. The thing is, the mindscape she was in was connected only to Gravity Falls. The mindscape she lived in was the mindscape between all dimensions. As she ran deeper into the Gravity Falls woods her tears grew heavier.

She kept running until she was sure she was far away fro Bill.

Iris crouched down at a root of a tree and hugged her knees close to her chest.

'How could I be so foolish?' She thought. 'Letting my feelings get the best of me and bursting out at Bill like that? I'm surprised he didn't hit me. But, hen me telling him that I love him? Now that's a deal breaker.'

As she sat there and sulked, someone was slowly growing angry.

"Well there goes you fake love." Evelyn said, inching towards Bill. "You're my fake love," Bill spat. "I don't even like you. As a matter of fact, I HATE you!" Evelyn laughed once more. Bill looked like he was about to explode. "Oh, well. Tell that Iesha chick I want to hang out some time. Get closer to her. Get to know her." Evelyn said, and disappeared.


He turned around and ran to go fid his beloved. He searched through bushes and climbed trees. But still no Iris. He was about to give up all hope, when he spotted a young girl, about the age of sixteen, in a grey sweater, jeans, and sneakers, lying on the forest floor, fast asleep.

Bill gasped and ran over to her. He picked up her head and moved her hair out of her face, for she was running a fever. He picked up Bridal style and used his power to bring them back into the bedroom.

Bill set Iris down in the bed and pulled the covers over her. He at her and sighs. 'She loves me eh?' He thought to himself. He chuckled. 'Looks like someone was holding back to hard.' He leaned over and kissed her on her forehead. He climbed into the bed and hugged her to keep her extra warm.

After a few minutes of holding her, Bill let go of Iris and kissed her on her head again and walked off to finish spying on the residents of Gravity Falls.

~time skip five hours later~

Bill walked into the bedroom to find Iris still asleep. He touched her forehead. It was worse that before. Had Evelyn infected her? he thought. He took his hand off of her and Iris stirred. She slowly opened her eyes to see Bill holding his hand over her.

"Hey." she sniffed, and looked away.

"Have a nice nap darling?" Bill asked, kneeling down to be at her eye level. Iris slowly looked at him. "It was...rough. Look, I know you may not believe me when I say that I- wait, did you just call me darling?"

Bill smirked a cocky smile. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. So what were you saying?" Iris was baffled. "I, uh, was saying, " She clears her throat. "I know you may not believe me when I say that my birthmark is really genuine, or that I love you. Not in a creepy, stalky, Evelyn way, but in a way that I will treat  you like a best friend, but like you more than a best friend."

Iris covered half her face in the sheets to hide the fact that she was blushing. Bill didn't bother to hide the fact that his face was crimson. "Oh, Iris. You don't have to apologize. It should be me who should be apologizing." Iris was taken aback by this. "I questioned you when I knew you were the real deal." He looked at the floor. "I shouldn't have. I am only going to say this to you and to you only, can you ever forgive me?" He smirked his cocky smile that Iris hates, but this time, it was filled with sadness and hope.

Iris gave the same smile. "Of course I can." Bill beamed and leaned over to hug her. When he did, he felt how cold her skin was. Almost like she was dead. "Are you feeling alright?" Bill asked, voice of worry.

"No. I'm just....fine." a voice said that was defiantly NOT Iris's. Bill felt her skin heat suddenly as if on fire and backed away with surprise.

The girl he once knew was changing. A green light burst around her and a cheshire cat grin on her face.   The skin melted off to reveal a girl about Iris' age, but had Tan skin, green, piercing eyes, and fire-like hair. "Nice to see you care so much about your princess  your highness." Evelyn grinned.

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