Random New Years OneShot

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A/N: NOT PART OF BOOK! it's just for you guys and the new year! But it is a chapter! so...It may not make sense, but neither do


Iris' POV

I was siting in my room, staring at my computer, wondering what to write next for my book on Wattpad. The girl is taken away from her friends and now its up for her friends to save her, but I don't know what to type next. 

"UGH!" I cry, bashing my head against the desk.

My dad comes in and comes over to me. 

"What is it sweet pea?" He asked, petting my hair.

"Nothing. Just a minor writers block. I'm getting nothing but air." I complain. 

I heard my dad chuckle, then burst out laughing. 

I turn around to face him and see him wiping away a tear. "What's so funny?"

"N-nothing. Only just you haven't fumed like that since you were three when you couldn't catch Sera to do a portrait of her. She kept scurrying away."

I smiled up at him, "Yeah, but she came back once I sat down and started to draw that mermaid that is still up on the fridge I see." 

My dad did a half-half of a chuckle and a sigh. "We would never get rid of it Iris. Never in a million years. Not even if the apocalypse happened and our house was destroyed. Your drawings are always going to be safe. No matter how old you, I or your mother get. Those are as almost as precious to us, than you."

At that point, I was crying. Big fat tears came down my face at an alarming rate. I guess that showed how much I missed home. Never did I want leave my family again. Never ever. Even if it meant that Bill Cipher himself would have to be my roommate in this tiny room of mine.

At that moment, my cat, Sera, came in and rubbed her face against my leg.

"I think she wants you to come down and spend time with us." My dad said, smiling.

"Yeah. I guess she does." I said, smiling back. 

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