Mom said to go to bed. Not go to sleep.

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Iris just shrugged her shoulders. Bill rolled his eye for he was now back in his chip shape. He snapped his fingers and he was back in the form he dreaded being in the most. For he thought that humans were lowlife beings who had no purpose in the universe, but to be a nuisance to him and every other being that had purposes. But this...Irene was it? Bill wasn't so sure but any way, This Isabelle had a purpose to be his wife, or queen, as he saw it. When he took over the planet filled with meat fleshes, she has to be at his side. Of course, he also foresaw a little slimmer of her just sitting alone in the bedroom while he was having his fun. He hoped it was just one of those futures that happened to be in parallel universes. Like that universe where he was working as a slave to Pine tree and Shooting Star, but these guys meant business.

(so away from Bill's thoughts and back to the proper narrative)

Bill snapped his fingers and he was back in his human form. But instead of being in that bright coat, he was in yellow and black pajamas. Long sleeve, and the pants went down to his ankles. Iris was similar attire, but she was wearing spaghetti strapped long shirt that went down to her hips. But she wore long pants underneath. "So...where do I go to sleep? Because this is obviously your room." She asked him. Bill looked across the bed. Iris followed his gaze.

"Oh, no! No thank you! I would rather sleep on the floor!" Bill crossed his arms. "But you already did." "THAT WAS BECAUSE I WAS UNCONSCIOUS! I ALSO THOUGHT THAT WE WERE GOING TO SLEEP SEPERATE!" She exclaimed. Bill shook his head. "Oh, well. You thought wrong." He scoots her over and lays down next to her. He turns off the light and Bill immediately fell asleep.

It took Iris about four hours, but she finally fell into an uneasy sleep. When she did, Bill bolted awake and carefully climbed out of bed. Trying not to disturb her. 'Time to try and make the deal with Pine Tree.' he thought and he walked out of the room. When he got back, he climbed back into bed.  A little upset  because Pine tree didn't go for the deal. The kid had guts. Bill would admit that. But at some point, he would have to make a deal with him.

When Bill climbed back into the bed and fell back to sleep, Iris awakened again.  She was awake all night from that point on.

In the morning, or was it late afternoon? Iris could not tell because the nightmare realm had no sunshine. You could only tell it was night, is when everything outside was unable to be seen because the only thing you could see, was the color black.

When Iris sat up in the bed, exhausted only getting few minutes sleep, she found Bill standing at the foot of the bed, his face in her personal space. "Did you have a good sleep my darling?" Iris looked at him strangely. Did this being of pure energy drink the niceness coffee? What was he aiming at? "Um...Yeah." Iris lied. She didn't want to strike up a conversation with this creep. But she wanted answers on why he called her 'My Darling'

"Why did you call me 'My darling'?" She asked him raising her eyebrow in confusion.

The Bride of Bill CipherWhere stories live. Discover now