Forever Young

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A/n: Shout out to all my reads on this book! I could never thank you so many times that I feel grateful! I am obliged for all that you have done! So To end this on a happy note, for all of you out there who feel like there is more to the story, There is! But that's for another book! So I am happy to say that for all of the people who has read this book, This chapter, Forever Young, this one right here, is the twentieth and last chapter of Bride of Bill Cipher.

But never fear! I told that there was more to the story didn't EYE? (you can hate me later just read). And I GOLD you that the story was for another book? It's true! I'll let you know when my second book, "Eye of Gold" (the puns were hints don't cha know?) comes out.

In this chapter right here though, I am bringing in




for a cameo.

I will also brining some of my other friends IRL. (I know those 3 so....)

Alright, the moment you have been waiting for: The Bride Of Bill Cipher, final chapter.

P.S. I am going to put a song so you have something to listen to when you read this chapter. This is going to be a long one, so there might be 4 songs? IDK, but the songs are going to be some songs I enjoy personally and I hope you enjoy this last bit!


Bill stood there, wondering about his beloved. He smirked.

"Well two can play it that way flower." He said.

He snapped his fingers and in the garage was a sharp mustang. Of course it was yellow and black, but it also had a variety of other colors. It was a gearshift, as every car in Gravity Falls was a gearshift. Cipher stepped inside his car, with upbeat car chase music playing, and sped away.

While all this was happening, Iris revved her bike to gain more speed. Aries turned on the walkie talkie she installed in the helmets. (Their code names are Dusty and Mike. let me know if you understand that at all)

"Don't you think that what you did was a shitty move? I mean, yeah, he's a jerk, but that doesn't mean you can go around, on your bike, and be all pissed about it. He's a demon. It's what they do."

No response.

Aries sighed. "Fine be that way. Follow me, I know where the girls are hanging out. You know, to avoid all this crazy shit."

She moved into the left lane to make a left turn when Iris went right.

"Woah, where do you think your going missy?" Aries said.

"Away from here." Was the only response.

"Um, no." Aries said, zipping after her.

She grabbed onto her bike handle and pulled with all her might, Iris over. Iris jumped off and threw off her helmet. "The hell was that for?" she yelled, in tears.

"Woah. Look, you aren't leaving Gravity Falls. Your boyfriend will feel it in the weirdness barrier. You can't do that! Do you want to get yourself killed?" Aries scolded, picking up the helmet while taking off her own.

Iris crumpled to the ground, bawling into her hands. "I don't know anymore!" She sobbed, now on the ground.

Bill was coming around the bend in his car (which was playing bad romance by lady gaga for some reason. I freaking hate lady gaga though!) at full speed. He was looking left and right when on the right he saw, Iris on the ground. He speed forward, trying to get to her, when Aries picked Iris up an stated to carry her to her bike.

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