Promises are meant to be kept.

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Iris's POV(weren't expecting that huh?)

When a strange demon man says to you, "That's for me to know and for you to find out," you might be scared out of you wits. And if you are me, you will be more than scared. You would be absolutely terrified! Even with the constant comforting, I was still petrified of what was to come.

We were walking in the mindscape for what seemed like forever. After what was really five minutes, if I was going by this worlds time patterns, Bill started up a conversation! "So...." he said, looking at me. "You look nice. The dress was really a perfect fit. I thought you would like it." I felt myself heat up in the cheek area. "T-thank you" I said.

Why was I stuttering? I barely even know the guy and I hate his guts! Or what ever he has. "Oh, my dear, do you really hate me? because I compliment you, or gesture to you, such as a simple bow, you blush. So really, do you hate me? I mean," He chuckles to himself. "We are walking out here aren't we? You could have easily said, 'No, Bill. I don't want to go out with you on this day.' But instead, here we are. arm in arm."

I look down to find that we actually did have our arms linked together. To sacred to move away, I stayed in that way, feeling myself starting to cold sweat. Why did I make this decision? I'm to young to date! I wanted to get a job in animation! I wanted to graduate collage! I have no time for marriage! More or less ROMANCE!

I feel a hand on my elbow that was linked with Bill's. "My dear, you won't need a job. When we marry, you will become immortal with me and you will be my queen. And unfortunately, you can't doge this bullet the universe shot at us sweetheart. This is your destiny. Same as mine. You might not love me now, but soon, you will learn to. I have already fallen under that spell. And by the looks of it," He leaned in really close to my face like some kind of zit cream. "You have started to fall for me as well as I to you." He moves away and goes back to walking. " But you are a fighter it seems, so it might take longer. But me, I have excepted the fate and I am hat over heels for you." He tips his hat in my direction and I blush. Stop...doing...that....FACE! "But not fully yet. I only have a mere, what do you humans call it? A 'crush' on you. And as time grows on, this simple 'crush' will turn into a full blown love. Who knows, maybe you will fall into the universes trap before me." He puts his hat back on and smirks and continues to walk"

He really thinks that eh? Well, truth be honest, I don't blush for many things. I only blush at gestures made towards me because I don't get noticed a lot. Back at my school, I am part of a group that hangs out in the extra class room and we just hang.

I have a pretty big family so I am the last thing on any of my relatives minds. At least they will notice me now that I'm gone. Yeah right.

I don't really get invited to things because I am not a big socializer. But who cares?! I'm just going to live on and on, while me and this EGO-MAINIAC are married! Wait....DUH! there is a solution to all of this! After the marriage, I will wait a few years, maybe two or so, and get those divorce papers up and running!

"Divorce isn't an option.   When we marry, we will be to deep in the universe of love to pull apart. The thought of me dying, would bring you to tears" Actually, that just made me smile. Then I frowned. Maybe killing this guy would bring great pain. FROM LAUGHTER! This guy can claim that we will be in love on day, but I don't see it happening at all.

That's when the one thing that I prayed would never come, Bill pulled me off to the side and places both hands on my shoulders.

"Look. You might not see it yet, but deep down, you care. On my surface, I care deeply. Not about me or my immortality, but you. But I know you feel the same. Quit fighting fate. You had your destiny written out for you long before you were born. Mine was written when I was young enough to start learning how to enter dreams. So just admit it. You love me and I love you."

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