Open up your eyes

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Iris was having the best time. She told her parents everything about her and Bill. At first, they were shocked to find out that he was a dream demon. But Iris convinced them that it was okay and that he would protect her no matter what.As soon as she was about to tell her parents about her first kiss, Iris heard a knock on the door.
She walked across the oak wood floor and opened the door. Outside was a little girl in a pink sweater with sprinkles and a candle on it. Iris recognized her as the girl from the library. She smiled and handed her a piece of paper and asked her if Iris could come to her and her brothers thirteenth birthday party. Iris told her that she might be able to, but that seemed to bring her down.

Iris told her that she would put into consideration and closed the door. After Iris tells her parents the rest of the drama with Bill, she was getting exhausted. So she said goodnight and walked into her old room. It was exactly how she left it. It had gray walls and one window with purple curtains.

There was a desk in the corner where Iris would do homework and draw, a twin sized bed with a flower patterned comforter and bed spread. Her books all aligned on the bookshelf in the series they belong to in alphabetical order.
Iris flopped on the bed and sighed. She closed her eyes and was about to fall asleep when she heard a bang. She ran to her window and looked out.
What she saw would change her forever. She saw Bill, in his triangular form, floating in front of a giant X in the sky. Before anyone else saw this, Iris ran out of her bedroom, out the back door, and ran towards him.

As she neared him, she picked up speed. She shouted out to him,"Bill, what are you doing?"
Bill looked down at her and folded his arms behind his back. "I am doing what I have always wanted to do. Take over your dimension. With you as my queen of course."
Iris could not have been so infuriated. She let him into her heart, and now he has taken that away from her. She wanted to cry, but she held her ground.

"FINE THEN," she shouted at him. "RULE OVER MY HOME SEE IF I CARE! BUT I NOW KNOW TO NEVER MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I MADE WITH YOU!" Bills eye glinted with curiosity. "And what would that mistake be my love?" Iris glared at him stabbing daggers. "Falling in love with anyone at all." She turned on her heel and ran away. From Bill, and from Gravity Falls.

Bill floated there, stunned. Did his girlfriend just break up with him? No, no, no, no, no! He thought.

He zoomed up high to search for her, but that's when the residents of Gravity Falls started to notice the giant dorito in the strange sky. Bill shook off what had just happened and went on with his plan.

Introducing his henchmen, turning Ford into gold with making of clever jokes, and killing Time Baby . It finally came down to a little peace after pine tree entered shooting stars bubble.

He used a tracking spell he learned from peeping in on a few Once Upon a Time episodes. He pulled out a scrap piece of Iris's jacket and mumbled a few words. The cloth glowed a bright neon blue and started to move really fast due north. Luckily, Bill was able to follow it to the cliff of the waterfall. He found Iris sitting on the edge head in her hands crying.

Bill turned into his human form and quietly sat down next to her. "So this is the becoming of my home?" Iris asked, her voice hoarse from crying. Bill smiled. "Indeed! Isn't it beautiful? You can do whatever you want babe! You are my queen! You rule along side me!" Iris looked at him. Her eyes were red, but still tearing. Her face was red and she had bags under her eyes like she hadn't slept in days. "Am I really? To be perfectly honest, the way you are acting, you are telling me that our relationship was a scam. Just another way to get to my world so you can throw me off and kill me."

Bill didn't know how to respond to this. He was upset that his beloved would think this. "You opened up my eyes Bill. You taught me to find love is to find hell." She said, standing up. She turned around and faced him. "So, I guess this is a relief for you and me for me saying this, goodbye, Bill." Iris started to back towards the cliff, nearing the edge, Bill kept up and held out his hand to the human, hoping to catch her before she made the stupid mistake of committing suicide. Just as her heel slipped and her foot was already off the edge, Bill grabbed her wrist, crying. He held on to his beloved with all his might, pulling her back.

Iris was crying as well. She never really wanted to die. She just wanted to escape this nightmare.

As Bill pulled her back, Iris ran to him and hugged him with all her might, becoming the shriveled scared flower she was.

Bill hugged her back and cried into her shoulder as Iris did the same. They stayed like that for almost an hour, hugging and crying. They broke apart when Bill felt a disturbance coming from Mabel's bubble.

"I got to go, babe. I-I'll see you later." Bill said, looking at the bubble, and backing away from Iris. "Okay." She said. Looking down. "That doesn't change the fact that I still can't trust you anymore. Nor does it change the way I feel towards you as of right now." She sniffed.

I know my dear. But that doesn't mean I won't stop loving you. Bill thought to himself. I opened up your eyes to how my love and compassion works and how I do what I do for you. For us.

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