As time goes by, a friendship blooms.

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A/n: I will let you guys know when to play the video.

Over the next few weeks, Iris stayed in the bedroom while Bill was out and about. But every once in a while, Bill would look in Iris' direction and look away when he saw her look over at him. After he looked away, he would pretended to not be looking at her and blush. Iris would do this once in a while, but not as much as Bill.

This is how it went for the next few weeks. Until one faitful day....

"Knock, knock!" Bill said, poking his head in the bedroom doorway. "What is it?" Iris said, in a 'go away' voice. "Oh, nothing. I was just wondering something." Iris looked at him curiously. "And what would that be?" Bill blushed and stepped into the room. "I-I was wondering if you would like to come into the mindscape with me. You know...just to get to know what I do on a daily basis." Iris raises an eyebrow. "When I'm not here!" He quickly adds. "I don't know. You tripped me from my home, tell me about some destiny in which I could care less about, and force me to live here. You tell me. Do you think I want to see what you do all day?" Bill looks down at the floor and glances up at her. "Yes...?"

He snaps his fingers and Iris is back in her original attire. From hoodie to jeans. She as finally out of the dress he had her wear every time they were both awake. Bill had assured Iris that the dresses were washed and clean, but knowing Bill, Iris wasn't so sure.

"And, uh, you can take your purse." Bill said pointing to her tote bag that has been sitting there, in the East corner, since day one. Iris got irritated. "It's not a 'purse.' it's a tote bag. Or as some other people call it, a knapsack!" (If anyone in the crowd knows what I am referencing, then see if you can guess it in the comments!) 

Bill rolls his eye. "Knapsack, tote bag, purse, it's all the same. Now let's go!" He teleported the two outside his home and Iris finally saw that Bill just had curtains drawn all the time. The outside of Bill's home was actually grey all the time. not just pitch black. She was slightly irritated by this, but she gave no comment.

They were suddenly in a grey version of the forest of Gravity Falls. Iris looked over at Bill and saw how he turned back into his usual triangular form. "So, uh, hey! I am going to go and ask for a deal with this kid, so...bye." Bill left and Iris was stranded in the forest. with a '0_0' on her face.

"So I guess I will just draw?" She said allowed with no answer. "hm..."she said. "I guess I could sketch a picture of the grey..." She mumbled to herself. All of a sudden Iris was transported back inside the bedroom with a black box on the bed with a note on it written in not the best hand writing:

I would like you to wear this tonight when I get home. I have something planned for you when I get back. It is something special just to say, 'I want a friendly gathering so let's do so!' Thank you for your understanding.

~Bill C.

Iris rolled her eyes but couldn't help smiling as she opened the black box, she found a deep blue dress that went down to her knees. It had long sleeves and it was basically a square cut across the breasts. At first glace, you really wouldn't notice the detail in the dress. As Iris had a closer look at it, she found that there were flowers and butterflies near the bottom of the dress going around the perimeter. Iris looks around the room. "You better not be watching me as I do this!" Iris shouted out into the empty home.

She walked over to the open door and slowly closed it.

When she was finished changing, she looked back in the box wondering if any "accessories" were in there. For one of the reasons, Iris was wondering if there was any shoes to go with. Because the blue dress wasn't going to match with her black sneakers. Or were they?

Just in case, she looked in the box. Inside, she found a pair of ballet flats that matched the blue dress. She also found a pair of moon crest earrings and a bracelet that matched the earrings. Iris walked over to the mirror and took out her pair of studs. and put on the moon crests. She took out her eyeglass cleaner and started to clean her glasses when another note popped up.

Oh, by the way, if you haven't noticed, a few weeks in the mindscape if not at the near bridge to your world, means a few days. So really, you have only been gone five days.

~Bill C.  

Iris raised an eyebrow. He now tells her this? This guy has found a new kind of low. Well....not exactly as low as watching her get dressed, but still low. Iris reread the note and decided to do some quick math.

'Let's see, ' She thinks. 'If one week here equals to one day, then one day here would equal to one, no, two hours there. right? if there was twenty-fours in a day, and if  one day here is equal to two hours....then...I guess that would be correct.'

She puts back her glasses and walks over to the bed and sits on it. Ever since when she first got to the mind scape, Iris has been sitting on the bed. Bill was worried about this, she could tell. But being stripped from of your home that you knew for sixteen years of your life and having to be put in a new one, without choice or knowledge mind you, it can really make someone depressed. She checked the clock on the wall. It read 12:00 A.M. two hours there have passed.

Iris put her head in the palm of her hand. 'I could look around the place. I never got to go around....NO!' She shot her head out of her hand. 'That's what Bill would want her to do. I don't love him that much to think of what he would and wouldn't want me to do. But then again....I don't love him at all. I?'

That startled Iris. That thought of having a crush on Bill? She hated him. She didn't want anything to do with him! Yet, why did she listen to him by putting on the outfit? Was it out of pity?  Was it fate sealing them in the worlds giant Ziploc bag of O.T.P's?  

'Most likely' she thought. She glance back at the clock. It read another midnight. Four hours have passed. 'What am I going to do in the time?' She looked around. Her bag full of colored pencils and books were sitting right there, ready for her. But she needed inspiration, and the past few days haven't been giving much. 

Iris sighed. 'WHAT CAN I DO GOD DARN IT?' she shouted in her own head, giving her a headache. She glanced around the room and laid down on the bed as slowly as possible. When she closed her eyes, she felt another sheet of paper on her face. She shot up and ripped the paper off her face.  It read:


I know that you must be bored out of your mind by now after six hours of sitting in an outfit you have no idea what it is for, so I suggest maybe you hum a little tune. sing a song. Entertain yourself. And, I can hear your thoughts, even while I'm possessing a twelve year old human. Don't ask. I thought it would turn out differently. But boy was I wrong! So, hey, I'm going to be doing some sock rock opera show. So if everything goes in order , I will see you soon.

Bill C.

Iris sighed and thought of some songs she liked to sing while she was alone. But now she knew she wasn't. Even when he was known to be out, he was always listening. Waiting. Iris got a cold chill just thinking about that. She finally thought of the song from one of her favorite movies. It was a song from How To Train Your Dragon 2. And he song was called "For the Dancing and the dreaming."

She took a deep breath (the voice in the video is not her voice, it was the into the unknown sung by a female that I know about and I have on my play list for my groove music. criticize me all you want, but I find it very good thank you!) and she started to sing in perfect sync with the melody in her head. A/n: PLAY NOW!

As she sang the song, she brought in memories from when she was at her home, with her family. As the song went on, memories from the blackout/kidnapping/destiny five days/weeks thing came flowing in her mind. When the song ended, Bill appeared. And he was....applauding her?

"Well done my dear! see? It's not so hard to come out of your shell once in a while!" Iris blushed. "I...never front of anyone before." Bill placed a hand on her shoulder which made her blush even more. "Ready to go my beloved?" He asked. Iris nodded. "Then lets go! what are we waiting for? There is an outing we must get to! Tally-ho!" Bill said in a stupid british accent.

Iris laughed and rolled her eyes. "Come you loser," Bill suddenly felt a pang of guilt. "Where is this place you are taking me?" Bill averted his eye (for he was in his human form) from her. "That's for me to know and for you to find out my dear."

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