Iris in Wonderland

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A/n: The picture above, I drew it on MS Paint. I also , to get the tips, used Paint Tool SAI. And if you didn't get this already, Iris is that girl in the Alice dress and I don't need to introduce my make-shift Cheshire cat. It's quite obvious for all times sake. So I hope you enjoy this chapter because it was pain making to make that picture for all of you out there. I ♥ you guys for reading this book and all I want to say is thank you. But's that is for a different page. ONWARDS!

Iris woke up in the weirdest mood. She felt like as if cupid had throw 1,000 arrows into her by looking for the ripe and rotten arrows. But she felt like being hit with all the ripe ones. She stretched and that's when it caught her eye. 'The necklace!' She thought. 'No wonder I feel this way! I accepted Bill's proposal and have become his girlfriend. Oh of everything holy! I am only a few years away from becoming...' The word hug over her head like a person who has hung themselves from a tall roof.

"What's the matter my dear?" A smooth voice came from her right side. "Cat got your tongue?" Iris looked over to see Bill sitting up. Elbow propped on his knee and his other hand was on the bed. He was looking at her like he was lost in thought. "Can you please stop reading my thoughts? I thought we were able to trust each other ever since I accepted your...." Bill smiled even more. "Okay, fine. I can't bring myself to say these words, but that doesn't mean anything. I mean come on," Iris crossed her arms, amusing Bill even more. 'It's cute when she gets mad.' He thinks to himself. "This is all so new to me.  Do you really think I, me, a low-life artist who has little interest in people, more less SOCIALIZING, would get a boyfriend in the five days she was gone? I don't think so!" She places her elbow on her knee so she could support her head. "But I did! And I have no idea what I'm doing! I feel like beauty in Beauty and The Beast, but not the Disney one! The one where the Beast keeps asking for her to marry him over and over and over again, until, she agrees, but only to see her family for one last time, then the Beast dies and-" She continued on like this for a while. So long, she didn't know that she was crying and Bill was looking at her with a worried expression.

When Iris was done venting, her hand supporting her head went to her eyes and wiped her tears in surprise. She looked at Bill and saw the perplexed expression on him. "I sorry venting. I just really needed to get that out. Just, not with you around of course. Some of that was, more for girl to girl talk. not boyfriend to girlfriend talk. Sorry." She said, burying her chin in her knees.

She stared at the wall for a few seconds until she felt a pair of arms wrap around her back connecting to her legs like a blanket. She looked over at Bill who was resting his chin on her arm and looking up at her with this puppy eye. Iris lowered her legs and Bills arms went around her waist. "But I guess you are the only person I can talk to now." She said. Bill let go of her to give her some space, but as soon as he sat back, Iris leaned over and hugged him.

Bill smirked an hugged her back. 'Perfect.' He thought to himself. 'She finally has excepted fate. I can still see the struggle in her mind, But is calmed down.'  He felt her breathing calm and he looked back and saw her with her eyes close. "I'm still awake so don't get any ideas triangle." Bill laughed a gut laugh. "Oh, my dear! I would NEVER enter your dreams unless I absolutely had to." Iris let go of him and Bill looked at her with his hand on his chin like he was thinking of something.

"But I know what I will do." Iris got scared. "W-what would t-that be?" Bill ran his fingers in her hair and Iris waved him off. "I'm going to give you a hair cut." Iris looked surprised by this. "Um...okay?" She said. Bill snapped his fingers and they were in the living room with a barber chair in the middle of it. Bill was holding a comb and a spray bottle. "What are you going to do with my hair exactly?" Iris asked him. "I thought I told you I was going to cut it?" Bill said. Iris rolled her eyes. "What style?" Bill turned her around so her back as facing him. "That, my dear, is for me to know and for you to find out."

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