The Way I Feel Inside

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Bills pov
Today's the day! The day where I finally take over the world! But... I wonder how Iris would like this. It IS her home after all. Oh well. I don't think she'll mind.
I walk into the bedroom and see her drawing. I look at her in a sly manner and try to creep up behind her.
"If you even dare, you have another thing coming to you." She says without taking her eyes off the paper.
I roll my eyes and scoot up next to her. "What are you drawing sweetheart?" I ask her.
She glances at me for a moment, then goes back to coloring the picture. "My family. Back on my dimension. " she said. I could hear the edge in her voice.
Maybe ruling that dimension with my weirdness isn't the greatest idea. But I have to answer my demon callings.
I look at Iris and then back at her drawing.
She looks at me as if she were reading my mind. "It's okay. I know you want to spend time with me, like, all the time ." She says, looking thoughtfully at the picture.
I put my hand on the picture to get her attention. It surprisingly worked. "No. I am going to let you go and spend some time with your parents. It's not fair to keep you away from them for so long.
"I should have let you visit them on a regular basis. I am so sorry."
By the time I was done, I was on the verge of tears.
I felt a hand go on my shoulder. I look up to see Iris, smiling at me. She was looking at me in a sympathetic way. "It's your decision Bill. If you want to take me home to see my family, then it's up to you. Not me."
I look into her eyes and I start to blubber and cry. I crawl into her arms like a boy looking for protection from his mother to save his ass from getting a beating from his father.
But I didn't care. I was having a mental breakdown, and needed attention. "Shhh...I'm here. Don't cry. " Iris said, in a comforting way, running her fingers through my hair. I should have never let her see this side of me. Would she think that I am- "No, Bill. I don't think you are weak. What I do believe is that you are going on a roller coaster of emotions. Believe me, I have had that once, and no one was there to help me. But I am here for you. That won't ever change. " I look up at her and sniff. "And whys that?" She smiled big, still looking sympathetic and empathetic." Because I love you Bill." That's when the question from yesterday popped into my brain again. "Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask, why DID you fall in love with me? It's probably because I'm handsome." I say in a cocky way.
Iris rolls her eyes and smiles, blushing. "That's not it you idiot." She says.
"It was the way you first admitted you had feelings for me, when I still hated you. It was the way you saved me from almost being murdered by the two monsters. It was the way you were confident when you first kissed me. It was the way you canceled the reservation that same night when the restaurant wouldn't accept me. It was the way I saw you for the awkward teenager you are on the inside....Along with a psychopathic personality. But other than that, I feel in love with the way you proved yourself to, even when you knew NOTHING about me, Only except that I am a shy one. And the Artsy one. But you still proved that you were willing to love me for...well, ME." She smiled slightly off to one side.
I turn bright red, not expecting that as her answer. "But you are cute, no lie there." She said. Without warning, I lean over and kiss her. We sat there, taking in the sweet kiss, but that only lasted for about twenty seconds before her iPod thingy went off. It was her mail. "Mama?" Iris says as she looks at the address. I look down at my hand.
I furl it into a fist and grab Iris. I snap my fingers and we are suddenly in front of Irises home. It was small and homey. We walk inside, and are suddenly ambushed by Iris' parents, hugging their daughter. I clear my throat just to let them know I was still there.
The older looking woman looks at me and smiles shyly. "You must be the boy the dreams spoke about. We are overjoyed to finally be meeting you." She said. I just smiled at Iris and bowed. "I am sorry. But I have important things to do. But I think that you can catch up with Iris on her little adventure with me. Bill Cipher." I stepped out of the house with a cat grin on my face.

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