Go explore little flower!

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They sat there like that for about ten minutes until Bill got up. He grabbed Iris' hand and pulled her towards the door.  "I want you to explore my home. Get used to it because it's your new one." Iris pulled back and sat back down on the bed. "What about my family?" Bill looked at her in concern.

He sighed a ran his fingers through his hair. (for he was still in his human form) His eyes couldn't meet with Iris'. "When you were born, your parents should have been visited in their sleep by the spirit of an old wizard who gave me the prophecy. His name was Vitruvius." Iris' eyes lit up when she heard that name. "I was visited by someone with a name like that once when I was young. But it wasn't in my sleep. more like..." She tossed her hand in the motion of more or less. "Hearing it, but not seeing it."

Bill was surprised to hear this. "What did he say to you?" he asked, rushing to Iris and sitting down next to her. Iris stared at the wall. "He said to me that I was made for something greater than I cold imagine. He wouldn't tell me what though.  Then he made this horrible joke about garlic. It was bad." Bill, who just happened to be a fan of terrible jokes, insisted on hearing it. Iris just looked at him basically like the image above. "Fine. The joke went like this. Bill, have you heard of the garlic diet?" Bill looked at her and furrowed his eyebrows. "No" "Well, you don't loose much weight, but from a distance, your friends say you look thinner." Bill pondered this for a moment and began to laugh like a maniac. (I don't know what it means, but I think it has something to do with the smell of garlic. IDK but I will leave a link below for you guys to have a good laugh. That's where I found the joke any way.)

Iris rolled her eyes and continued to stare at the wall. Bill stood up and said to her, "I will be out for a bit spying on some kid who refuses to sleep. I would hope you would go out and look around my condo. Because, I mean, you ARE going to live here for the rest of your life." He walked out and closed the door behind him. Iris just sat there the whole day without moving a muscle.

When Bill came back, he asked her if she got out of the bedroom at all. Iris shook her head. Bill sighed. "Whatever am I going to do with you?" 

Here's the link I promised:


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