Gone With the Wind

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"Where's Iris!" Bill bellowed.

"Now, now. Just calm down-"

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! My one and only love is out there, somewhere, and I am here, in my house, talking to some....some....." "Some girl who just happens to be your real  love." Evelyn cooed.

"Some ignorant girl who is willing to be a murderer to someone I love!" Evelyn raised an eyebrow. "Like you didn't do that when you destroyed your dimension, and is willing to do the same to the girl you think you love's home?" Bill crossed his arms and turned away from her. "That's a different story." Evelyn slid up next to him. "And I'm willing to be apart of that story." She whispered into his ear.


Iris continued to sulk until she heard someone coming her way. She heard Bill calling her name and was about to jump up and shout to him, but she held her ground. 'no way am I going to confront him after the stunt I just pulled. He'll never let me live it down! I should just stay here and wait for the whole thing to-'

She heard something. She slowly turned around and finding Bill disappear with some girl that looked exactly like her in his arms.

Iris would have shouted to him, but it was to late. He was gone.

Iris' POV

well just great. My boyfriend mistook me for some fake and now I'm left out here. I turn to go find some leaves or something that I can make a bed out of for later when it turns to evening, when I see that it WAS about to get dark.


I quickly get up and start to put my knowledge of pillow forts to use. I grab some twigs and branches and stick them in the ground. I then use moss and leaves to make a good support for a roof. Then I start adding a bunch of leaves on the ground to make a make-shift mattress.

I lie down and look up at the sky. But that's when it thudered and it started to down pour rain. Of course the roof didn't hold and it colaped on me, soaking me to the bone. Maybe people couldn't hear or see me, but the weather could still affect me.

I crawl out of the mess and see how it was only raining from where I was at, to behind me. I step foward out of the rain and start looking for a new shelter. A stag looks at me and shifts it ear to listen better. Most people would have stopped, but I keep on walking, because I thought how that deer couldn't possibly see me if no human could see me.

I was wrong.

As soon as I took a step, the stag came charging at me at full speed. I tried to run away, but my foot gets caught on a root and I trip. As soon as I steady myself back up, the stupid thing bucked me with his antlers and knocked me into the lake.

Just my luck.

I crawl out of the lake shivering and see that my cloths were falling apart. A big rip from my knee down was on my jeans, and from the hood to the left elbow was a tear there. Lucky for me, I had a white T-shirt underneath.

I tore off my jeans and my jacket and I found a small, sharp twig to use as a needle and I used the strands from the jeans to make a skirt out of it. It was a short one, but at least I had SOMETHING on. And it wasn't like I havn't been wearing dresses for a while now.

I walk ahead, leaving the scraps from my pants behind, and soon found a cave. I sit, and sit, until I hear someone calling my name.

"Iris! Iris! Iris? Where are you?"

I jump up, still cold and shivering, and yell back, "I'm here! I'm here!" tears, rolling down my cheek, I run out of the cave. I look out to see a silhouette of a man, motioning to me. I squint at the shape. I crept back into the cave, not knowing who or, what this thing was. I plop onto the floor and cul up into a ball and lie down.

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