There's no place like home.

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Bill used his abilities to teleport the two back into the home. But when they got in there, Iris' went big.

"What happened in here?" She asked, eyeing the mess of glass, plastic, and furniture torn up. Like a tornado, stampede of elephants, and an electrical storm came and decided to make a mess of the whole house. She couldn't be any more correct.

"Well, when I found out that the you I picked up, was Evelyn, She tried to trick me into breaking this," He pulled something out of his coat. It was an orb. It glowed a vibrant color of yellow. Alost matching the demon himself. "It's a device that will take you back home, erase you memories. I couldn't do it. Evelyn, tried to grab it, but I rejected her. Then we got into this battle-" "And I'm going to guess it looked something out of an anime, right?" Bill just looked at her confused. "What is an 'anime' I don't hang around humans a lot to know this stuff." Iris looked at him and smirked. "That's no prob. Anime is something I would watch if I was REALLY board. I'm more of a bronie. Not so much of anime"

Bill looks at her confused. "What is a bronie?" Iris laughed at him. I will show you later. No lets get this place cleaned up." She looked at Bill and Bill looked at her. "There will be no need darling." He snapped his fingers and everything in the house was back to normal.

"Are you going to use magic as an excuse every time you want to get out of a problem?" Iris asked. Bill pulled her into him by her waist. "Only if it means you don't have to slave away my love." Iris giggled. "Come on you giant Dorito. what do you have planned for me tonight to prove even more that there's no dodging this relationship?"

Bill made a face pretending to be thinking. "I thought we could hang out here and snuggle together." Bill said, locking his eye into hers. Iris put her head in his chest. "Alright dear." She closed her eyes and Bill could feel her breathing settle and her grip loosen. He slightly pulled her away and found her asleep. He looked at her with a 'motherly love' look and picked her bridal style.

He set her down on the bed and snapped his fingers and she was in her pajamas. He stepped out and went into his living room.

It was a fairly large room with white walls. The floor was and oak wood and the furniture was themed ocean blue and stormy day. There was a celling fan that projected the light for people to see. There was enough room to entertain about twelve people.

Bill sat down on the couch and sighed. He pondered on what would happen later. When he started his reign on the 3rd dimension. 'I mean, she sure does seem to be on my side on almost everything. Same for me to her. But, what Evelyn said bothers me. It IS her home. But now she gets to rule it! Wouldn't she be happy?' He looked behind him towards the bedroom, door closed. He sighed again and turned back and face forward. He stood up and walked over to his piano, hoping to continue his song.

He was just about to sit down, when he heard a scream of agony. Bill looked up in alarm and ran towards the bedroom.

He threw open the door and saw Iris on the floor, holding her ears and head. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" she screamed. Bill dropped down on his knees and slid on them like a rock star. When he came to Iris, he picked her up and cradled her in his arms.  "Shhhh. It's okay. It's alright. I'm here now. There's nothing here-" Thats when he sensed it. Someone was inside her head. Someone who should have been banished a long time ago.

Bill gently set her down on the ground and snapped his fingers.

He was now inside his girlfriends head.

Bill was about to head on an expidition, until he heard another scream. He turned right and ran to the noise. He came to a room that read: 'consious' on the plaque.

He steped inside and immediatly felt unsure of himself. 'Weird,' he thought. 'I never feel unsure about myself. Unless...' and he was right. Iris always felt unsure about herself. So, with Bill stepping into where her consious is, he would fell what she is felling.

He was about to call for her, when he heard voices coming from the right. he ran in that direction and saw Iris, in tears, covering her ears. And then he saw Tad Strange.

"Tad!" Bill shouted at him. Tad turned his head and looked dead at Bill. He smiled and turned back to Iris, saying something and then disappearing.

Bill saw Iris drop her hands in relief and fall down, and marshmallow pillow appearing under her. Bill heaved a sigh of relief. He exited her mind and saw Iris wake up and look at him. "There's no place like home. Am I right?"

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