Bill is the hero. But just this once!

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~later that night~

It was the middle of the night and Bill and Iris were fast asleep.  Bill was dreaming of multiple futures and Iris was dreaming of her home back in the real world, when all of a sudden, she felt herself getting smaller. "What in the world...?" she whispered to herself. Then she felt herself being put into a glass bottle by a small but large hand if you were to see it in Iris' point of view.

She was placed inside and was being carried out of the room. "Don't worry," Said a familiar voice. "We're just gonna break the bottle you are in after we are outside the bosses house." 'This must be Teeth.' Thought Iris. Then a new voice spoke. This must have been 8 balls. "Then with the break of the glass, it will kill you, and the boss shall be free." Iris wasn't moving. She just sat there with determination that she will get away fro this unwanted destiny. 

Bill, when Iris was lifted out of the bed, stirred, but didn't wake up. When he heard the plethora of voices, he turned over to find that Isabella, is it? Bill could never remember. But he found that his future wife was gone. He would have felt her get up and leave, but this girl, left without a sound or a weight difference.

Bill bolted up in the bed and turned into his beloved triangular form and zipped out of the bedroom, and towards the foyer.  There he found Iris in a glass bottle, shrunken to the size of Thumbelina, being carried off by none other than Teeth and 8 balls.

"Whos idea was this?" Bill said, turning red. "I-it was him! It was 8 balls' idea to shrink her and put her in a glass bottle to drop the bottle with her inside to kill her!" Teeth said, pointing at 8 balls. Bill turned towards the creature. That's when he saw Iris. Yes, he previously saw that she was smaller than an index finger, but it was how she was reacting to the situation.

She wasn't pounding on the glass to get out, she wasn't yelling at Bill to get his attention. She was just sitting there. Like she wasn't planning on this to happen, but she was waiting for it to. As if she wanted to go along with it, knowing the consequences. Yeah, sure. It was selfish of Bill to think of himself when Iris died. But something also lingered. Something deep inside of him that if Iris died, he would feel like killing himself.

'What is that feeling?' he asked himself. But he would have to deal with that later. "What were you thinking?" Bill said to 8 balls. "We were trying to save you from this human." He said. "The only saving I need, is the saving from you. Now I don't want to see any of you or any of the others until I call you. Is that clear?" Bill said, getting into each of the monsters faces like whipped cream.

The two monsters left and Bill picked up Iris. He turned back into a human and he brought her back into the bedroom and set her on the bed. he let her out of the bottle, but before he resized her, he stepped out of the room and closed the door. He snapped his fingers and saw a white light through the bottom of the door. "Do...Do you need a new outfit?" He asked through the door, blushing.

"No. The nightgown grew with me." She said, blushing.  Before he went back into the bedroom, he waited a bit so Bill could go and talk with Iris without the awkwardness of him blushing. After five minutes, Bill finally had the guts go back into the room.

"So, you, uh, alright?" He asked, having trouble finding words. "Yeah. But I was expected to die. More or less determined to. But I guess I am grateful all the same for you 'rescuing me'." She said, trying her hardest to not blush. But she failed.

"I guess we, uh...should go to um, sleep?" Bill said in more like a question than a statement. "Yeah..." Iris said. Then she got to her side of the bed and rolled over and closed her eyes. Bill climbed I after her and laid down. Iris sat up and leaned over to him and kissed the top of his forehead. "This doesn't mean anything. Just a small thanks." She whispered. But Bill didn't care. He just smiled a wide grin that went from ear to ear.

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