Chapter 3

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When I woke up the next morning John wasn't there and for a second I thought I was back in Molly's house. I couldn't bear the thought of losing everything I had just dreamed about. I had wanted it for so long and I thought I had it but... none of it was real.

Then I heard the telly. I sighed, glad that I heard it because Molly was never home when I woke up. I pulled myself out of bed and stumbled into the living area. "Ugh you're watching that American show. The uh... OJ one right?" I mumbled and John nodded.

"Everyone told me it was a great show so I decided to watch it. This is the first episode if you want to watch."

"I'll be out in a second. I'm just going to make a cup of tea. Want one?" I asked. John nodded again. I quickly made our cups and sat down in my chair. They were interrogating him and he kept fidgeting about.

"He's guilty."

"And how do you figure that?" John asked. He was already used to my analayzing the shows. So he just went along with it as he had done so many times.

"He moves to much when he talks to the police. He keeps looking around the room as he comes up with new lies. His answers aren't clear and direct they are varied and sound like he doesn't remember or is confused. He has a nervous air to him when he talks to them. Like two minutes later he's in his house flipping out about being recorded in handcuffs even though it was only for a few seconds. He started screaming about everything and at everything and everyone. That's what the whole show's going to be about. I'm already bored."

"Wow you're absolutely insane Sherlock." he replied, looking at me in wonder.

"Why insane?" I couldn't fiure out why he decided to use insane instead of clever or observant.

"Because you just figured everything out and you've only seen like five minutes."

"Well I know a little about this guy. I know enough to know that in the end he gets away with it because it's based off of reality where he published a book. If he had gotten caught he would have gone to prison for the rest of his life therefore he must have gotten away. The little details is how I figured out he indeed was the one who killed his ex-wife who cheated on him. Motive: His wife cheated. He couldn't pinpoint his whereabouts at the time she was killed. I noticed everything down to the blink, or lack thereof, when he said he didn't kill his wife. When did he arrive home? The police has asked him that and he replied with 7,8,9. Nobody has that wide a range for a time they got home. That's not an answer. Not unless you're hiding something. Sorry." I said quickly.



"You are just observant is all. I wouldn't have been able to pick up that much. Of course you are Sherlock Holmes so what could I expect?"

"Well then there's the obvious fact that he found out his wife was dead and didn't even shed a single tear."

"Yeah okay fair enough." John sighed.

"So if you couldn't couldn't get that he was the murderer from everything above, that gave it away. But I did see that way after I said everything."

"That was just plain awesome."

"What was? Oh and I was right. When he was hooked up to the heart monitor and was answering the questions he got a -24 which is the lowest score you can get when getting your heart rate tested. Then of course he starts yelling again, coming up with excuses as to why it was jumping about." I was still watching the telly as John watched me, fascinated.

"That. That was awesome. What you just did."

"Sorry. I made you miss the past ten minutes of the episode."

"It's no problem. I don't think I would get far in this show anyway."

"Look at this he even has a hideout. A place that he can co in case something like this happens. No body plans this stuff out just in case. He planned this." I said. John looked at me again. He looked like he couldn't believe I just pieced all of that together. "Sorry again." I apologized.

"Don't be I find it rather interesting."

"Oh and he has a new girlfriend right after he found out his wife died. Yeah he didn't care at all. Alright I'm done now I promise."

"We didn't even get through half of the episode and you already figured everything out." John got up and turned the telly off.

He grabbed a book and sat down to read and I huffed. I hated not having anything to do. I have read every book in this room. I've seen almost every show or guessed the ending of it and I was already bored. I snuck over to John's chair and slid down the back and into his lap.

"Don't ignore me John. I'm bored." I whined. He continued to read and I sighed. "Please..." He rolled his eyes and looked at me, before getting up and grabbing my wrist. 

"Come on then Sherlock."

I grabbed my jacket and scarf and quickly followed him outside. "What are we doing?" I asked.

"We are going out to eat."

"Not hungry."

"Just come on." he whispered, grabbing my hand. I hid my face in my scarf and quickly followed him. We walked into the Cafe and took a seat in the back corner so that no one could see my face. When the waitress showed up, I looked at the picture on the wall so she couldn't see my face.

I ordered John's second choice of meal as usual and we talked about what to do afterwards. We decided to go to a castle and have some fun today. Once we finished our dinner we started heading towards the castle when I got a call from Molly.

"So when is the dinner party?"

"What dinner party Molly?"

"The Christmas one of course. You know since today is Christmas and all?"

I turned to John. "You're having a Christmas dinner?"

He took the phone from my hands. "It starts at 5:00 Molly." he said. He then looked at the time. He shut the phone of, looked at me, turned around, and began walking back to Baker Street.

"You're having a Christmas dinner?" I asked again.

"I was expecting to live alone for the rest of my days and I was going to say goodbye to everybody today. It was going to be the last day I would..."

"I understand."

"You do?" He asked startled. I did know.

"Y-yes. Yesterday when we were there... in the graveyard. I had snuck closer to hear what you were saying. There was something different about you yesterday and I crept closer to hear. I saw the blade in your pocket and my heart stopped. I was so terrified." I shook my head. "We best get going so that we aren't late to the dinner you're hosting."

He nodded sadly and we continued walking. "I'm so sorry Sherlock." he whispered.

"It's alright John." I said wrapping him in a hug and kissed him. "I love you John. Don't you ever forget that."

I'm Yours (On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن