Chapter 11

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Once we pulled up to the hospital, I passed the Cabbie some notes before clambering out after Sherlock. "So why exactly are we here?" I asked. He continued as though he didn't hear me, which would make sense because it's Sherlock and he tends to do that.

Making our way around the people that always seemed to be milling about the hospital, proved to be extremely difficult. We did manage to make our way through the crowd and down to the mortuary though.

"You made it." she said slightly surprised by this fact. Sherlock nodded, still not saying anything and she took that as her cue to show him what she needed to. "So apparently, this Mary person, is really good at sneaking into places. This mark on her neck..." she pointed to the mark on the back of her neck. "Wasn't their before."

The mark looked like an arrow and Sherlock's eyes narrowed. "Molly take her dress off and flip her over." I said. Both Molly and Sherlock were slightly taken aback by my command. "Please." I added.

She nodded and Sherlock looked at me, confusion written all over his face. With a bit of struggle, Molly managed to unzip the dress and pull it down. She gasped as she flipped the body over. It wasn't too hard to figure out. There was an arrow on her neck pointing down, so I decided that it would be pointing at her back.

'Him or me? M' was carved into her back. There was another arrow too. This one pointing to the right. Sherlock frowned in confusion but I stalked over to the other side of the room. The arrow, if the body was flipped on it's stomach, would be pointing to the right. It would have been to the left, had it been flipped on it's back. The message was on the back so we can safely assume that it was meant to be to the right. 

I walked over to the cabinets and opened them, ruffling through the stuff. "Hey! What are you doing?" she yelled as I searched. I pulled out a small slip of paper. 'Meet me where it all began.'

I quickly apologized, sliding the paper into my pocket. "Sorry I mistaked what the arrow meant. We should get going." I suggested. Sherlock nodded and I thanked Molly, apologizing again, as we left. 

Sherlock hailed a taxi and we both climbed in. I stared out the window trying to figure out what she meant. Where what began? Where we met? That was probably the most likely.

"So what does the paper say?" Sherlock asked.

"What paper."

"The one you tried to slide into you pocket, hoping I wouldn't see it."

"Oh that paper.... It's nothing." I mumbled. He didn't believe me so he climbed over me, reaching into my pocket and pulled out the paper. He read it over quickly and frowned. 

"You cannot go there... wherever there is." he said quickly, seeing the look in my eyes. I had to though and he knows that I will go. "Please, you can't." he whispered. Seeing the look in his eyes hurt me so badly.

"I won't." I lied. I felt horrible, but if I didn't do this, I could lose everyone I love, including the man I just got back. 

"Good." he whispered. When the cab stopped I gave him the notes and climbed out of the car, Sherlock in tow. It was getting dark out and I realized we stayed out a lot longer than we thought.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs. "We need to relax. Forget about this for a bit and have some fun." I said as I relaxed on the couch. 

"Why here. Let's relax in the room." he said picking me up bridal style and walking me back to our room. I chuckled as he collapsed onto the bed and then nuzzled into my neck, kissing me. 

"You are just too cute." I whispered kissing him. "God I love you." I chuckled as I got up.

"You tease." he smiled, throwing a pillow at me. 

"I may be a tease but you love me." I smiled. He grabbed the belt loops on my pants and pulled me down.

"Yes I do."  he smiled kissing me. I leaned back as I took a breath. 

"Is that why you came back? Or was it just because you enjoyed the job?" 

"I came back for the job of course. Falling in love with you was just an added bonus." he teased, sticking his tongue out. I playfully smacked him before leaning down to kiss him again. 

"Well in that case I should just go." I chuckled, getting up and purposefully swaying my hips as I walked towards the door. I turned to see him bright red as he looked up at me. I started laughing and he turned even more red.

"Oh my goodness. You are so adorable." I said jumping on the bed and kissing him again. "Maybe that's why I love you." 

"Or maybe it's your brilliant mind." I said kissing his temple. "Or you beautiful smile. Maybe it's the way your nose sometimes crinkles when you laugh. I don't know what it is, but your adorable and I love you anyway."

He smiled as he rested his head on my chest. I ran my fingers through his curls, smiling because of how lucky I got. Finally I heard his breathing slow down and I knew he had gone to sleep. I waited a good half an hour before sliding out of bed.

I grabbed my phone and sent Mycroft a quick message. 'Don't let Sherlock leave the flat. Please.' Then I left. I knew that Mycroft would do it even though I don't know why he would. I quietly opened the door and left the flat, walking to the Cafe where we first met.

I slid in and winced out how loud the door sounded in the quiet of the Cafe. "Well done. I was beginning to think you wouldn't make it." 

I spun around, looking for her but I couldn't find her. "Where are you!" I shouted.

"No reason I should tell you that." 

"Fine then tell me this... why are you doing this?"

"Why do you think?" she asked. I had my ideas but I didn't think that they could be right. There was no reason for that. 

"Did I really hurt you that much, to the point where you are going to kill everyone I love?" I asked.

"Oh no. I have another reason. I'm not going to kill everyone you love. I just had to so that a case would start. I will win in the end and you will be so utterly destroyed that ... well I can't reveal that now can I?" I growled at her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Everything is wrong with me. You broke me and now... I'm going to break you... and I'm going to enjoy every single second of it. But that's not why I called you here."

"Why then?" I asked, slightly nervous to find out. She emered from behind the counter, shotgun in hand, and a wicked smile on her face. I swallowed the lump in my throat and backed up a bit. She frowned, cocking the gun. 

"DON'T MOVE!" She yelled and I froze, terrified of what would happen if I moved an inch. Sirens went off in the background and I silently cursed Sherlock. She chuckled. "You clever little arse. Calling the cops." She smiled and I knew something bad was gonna happen.

A loud bang resounded through the Cafe after she fired the gun. I clutched my stomach as I fell to my knees. I bit my tongue, trying not to cry out in pain. "Till next time John." she whispered in my ear before disappearing. 

The sirens got closer until they were right outside the Cafe door. I was vaguely aware of someone screaming. It sounded like Sherlock. That's funny. Why was he here?

"Help. I need help now." he yelled and then he turned towards me. "It's okay John. Everything is going to be okay." he whispered kissing my forehead and I smiled. Then everything went black.

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