Chapter 5

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The roads were slippery and the car skidded as the driver followed my directions as quickly as possible. "It's of great importance!" I yelled. These emotions were so foreign to me but I knew that I would be far from okay if anything were to happen to him.

Once the driver pulled in front of the ramshackled building, I threw a wad of cash at him and jumped out of the taxi. "Don't wait up. Keep the change."

I sprinted towards the door and pushed through. There was no light in the place and I could see less than a foot in front of me. I stumbled around trying to find a lightswitch or something. A loud bang rang through the building and my heart sped up.

Oh god no. Please be okay. The lights suddenly flickered on and I heard a scream. John's scream. I ran towards the sound praying that he would be okay because he was the only thing keeping me right.

I burst into another room and found myself staring at a man, a man I knew, with a wicked gleam in his eye and a gun in his hand. Right next to him, the man I loved, head hanging low and blood spilling from his leg. "Oh my god." I yelled as I ran towards him. Moriarty chuckled and I glared at him as I applied pressure to John's wound so he wouldn't bleed out.

Moriarty had gone too far this time. I grabbed his gun and with trembling hands, brought it up to his head. "You have pushed me to my limits, Moriarty. Now you have gone to far." I pulled the trigger and another bang echoed through the house, followed quickly by another. I spun to find John, eyes wide, gasping with blood spilling out of his mouth.

"No. No. No. No. NO!" I yelled. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. We were supposed to be on a great honeymoon. Nothing was supposed to happen. "I'm so sorry John. You should have left when you had the chance. You should have left me when I pretended to be dead all those years ago." 

John grabbed my face and pulled my face up to his. "I would never... change my mind... I love you Sherlock. Please... Mycroft... protect him." he whispered before he kissed me. Tears slid down my cheeks as his hand left my face and fell limp at his side.

My eyes shot open and I lie there sobbing. I accidentally woke John up and he wrapped me in a hug. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. I shook my head, not trusting myself to speak. "I'm sorry Sherlock."

"For what?" I croaked.

"For everything."

"I should be the one apologizing. You hardly got any sleep because you thought I was dead and now that you'll finally be able to, you can't because I'm keeping you awake with nightmares. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault.  Do you want to go back to sleep?" I shook my head again and he nodded. He hugged me tighter and let me finish crying. 

"Thank you,John."

"For what exactly?"

"For dealing with all of my crap. After all of this time, after I left, you could have forgotten about me. You could have lived with Mary and lived happily. You could have never wanted to talk to me again. So thank you."

"I tried to move on without you. I have ended up in the hospital a few times. I couldn't find it in me to move on no matter how hard I tried."

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