Chapter 12

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Sorry guys. I have updated this a lot recently but I have literally had nothing to do all day and was bored out of my mind. I also kept coming up with ideas so I'm sorry if I annoy you. I want to thank you all for reading and commenting on my story. It makes my day and I'm glad that my stories are actually being read. Thank you all. -Captain


"Please... I don't know what I did. Please don't hurt me. What did I do? I won't do it again I promise." 

The man stalked forwards, an evil smile and a dark glint in his eye. He leaned down and wiped the tears from my face. Then he grabbed my hair and pulled me up by it. I screamed out in pain, whimpering. I didn't do anything wrong. I was just reading and then he hit me. 

"You are an annoying little shit, you know that?" he asked throwing me in the closet. "Stay in there. Make no noise. If you do you won't come out for another week." He then slammed the door shut leaving me in utter darkness. 

I held back my tears, for fear of being stuck in here longer. The next day the door opened and I was blinded by the light. I noticed a man standing there, something in his hands. When my eyes adjusted I noticed it was a belt and I tried to scramble away. 

My brother stood at the door and I begged for him to help but he was frozen to the spot. The man slammed the door shut and snapped the belt. I gulped because I knew what was coming, but I knew I couldn't stop it either.

My eyes snapped open as I gasped for air. I wiped the tears from my face and groaned. Why did I have to keep dreaming about those horrible nights? I knew I was probably whimpering or screaming or making noises of some sort. I hoped that I didn't wake John up. I rolled over to find that no one was in the bed.

I grabbed my phone to check the time and it was only 12:30. It was still dark out so John should still be sleeping. The bathroom door was wide open and there was no telly on. I looked over and found his phone gone. He must have left the flat.

I closed my eyes, sighing. Why would he leave so late? It's not like he something to do. Then I remembered the letter he found at St. Bart's yesterday. Oh no, why would he go? I goraned as I grabbed my phone and dialed Mycroft.

"Where is John?" I asked frustrated when he picked up. I slid out of the bed and hurriedly made my way over to the coat rack. I slid into my coat and began putting my shoes on as I waited for Mycrofts answer.

"I don't know brother." I groaned at his reply. I did not like that answer.

"Please look around and see if you can find out where he went. He could be in major trouble.... thanks" I hung up and scrambled down the stairs, bumping into someone at the base. "Sorry dude." I mumbled as I tried to manuver around him.

"It's alright man." he said.

"Uh, do you mind? I kinda need to go somewhere." I said, still trying to manuver around him.

"I do mind and I won't move. I was told not to let you out of the flat anyway." I groaned. Of course he was and since John didn't exactly have any henchman I knew it had to be Mycroft.

"Mycroft's orders I presume. Why would he do this? Why wasn't I allowed of the flat? Unless... no he wouldn't... would he?"

"Yup."  the guy said popping the p. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the nearest thing and hit him upside the head, knocking him out. I stepped over his body and ran out the door, dialing Lestrade.

"Do you know where he's at yet?" I asked out of breath. 

"Yeah. He's at the Gold Cafe." Lestrade answered.

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