Chapter 10

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"WHAT DID YOU FIND?" Lestrade asked bursting into the room. I groaned pulling away from John and glaring at Lestrade who turned bright red. "I am so sorry." he mumbled and I chuckled slightly. 

John rolled his eyes as he rolled off of me. "Please. Take a seat." he said offering Lestrade his chair. I sat up and John fell into my seat. We all just sat there in an awkward silence for a moment.

"So did you come here to just break up our moment or did you actually have something on your mind?" I asked, annoyed of waiting.

"Right, yeah, sorry... uh. What did you guys find? Mycroft just told me you found something so, I came."

"That was quick. Wait how did he..." John started but trailed off when he saw me shaking my head. Mycroft had cameras everywhere. I have gotten rid of so many in the apartment but no matter what I do, I can never seem to get rid of them all.

"How is living with my brother? Quite annoying, I imagine." I asked.  I was still kind of confused as to why Mycroft allowed him to stay there anyway. Usually he doesn't care about such trivial matters.

"Quite the opposite actually. He's been rather pleasant." Lestrade answered trying to mock me. John started laughing and I couldn't tell whether it was because he thought it was funny Lestrade tried to mock me or because he just called my brother pleasant which was far from the truth.

Lestrade looked shocked at John's sudden outburst and I realized he must have actually meant it. "Wait... seriously?" I asked and Lestrade nodded. "Well that's... unexpected." I muttered.

"Why?" he asked curiously. 

"You two have met before right?" John asked.

"Of course we've met before. A few times actually." Lestrade said. 

"So then you know what how he can be sometimes." I said.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" he asked and I realized that Mycroft has never actually been rude to him. 

"Are you seriously saying you don't...." John started.

"What did you come here for exactly?" I asked cutting John off. He glared at me and I shook my head and he nodded, understanding we would talk about this later. Lestrade's confused expression fell and he turned to me.

"Right. Mycroft told me that you found something."

"Yeah. Last night we went to the morgue and grabbed a locket because it wasn't there at the crime scene." I gestured him over to the microscope and quickly adjusted it so that he could see the inscription better. "I studied this, this morning and I found this." I said, stepping aside and letting him look at the locket.

I walked over to John and chuckled when he looked at me confused. "You haven't figured it out yet?" I whispered and he frowned, shaking his head. I stared at him for a second and smiled when his eye lit up with realization. "There you go."

"Him or me? M" Lestrade mumbled and I saw John shudder. I wrapped my arms around him. "What does that mean?" he asked turning towards us. John's eyes were closed and he was trying to breathe normally.

"Do you want me to tell him?" I asked him quietly and he shook his head, taking a shaky breath.

"No. I got it." He turned to Lestrade. "M is Mary Morstan. She was my girlfriend for a short period of time." I turned to him wide eyed. He didn't tell me that. "Sorry I didn't tell you. Anyways I ran into her one day at the coffee shop and we tried dating for a while but I couldn't get over Sherlock. I loved him and it hurt too much. Eventually she decided she couldn't take it anymore and asked me to choose between her and Sherlock. I chose Sherlock. She was pissed and she kicked me out. So that's what it means on the locket."

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