Chapter 6

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I woke up early the next morning and groaned as I rolled over. My hand met the empty bed and I sat up, freaking out for a moment. Where was Sherlock? Then I heard the quiet playing of the violen echoing through the flat. I was so happy to have Sherlock back.

I smiled as I pushed myself out of bed. A phone ringing echoed through the flat but Sherlock didn't answer it. I sighed as I walked out of the bedroom. I picked up Sherlock's phone which buzzed in my hand as he got a message.

Lestrade: We have and odd one for you. Meet me at Lauriston Gardens.

Sherlock: We'll be there.

"Lestrade's got a case." I said. 

"No... we need to plan."

"No. You get restless without a case. We are going." I said. I wasn't going to have my mind changed either. He sighed and put his violen up.


"Lauriston Gardens."

"Like where the Pink Lady case was?" he asked. I nodded and he quickly put on his coat. We trudged down the stairs and to the front door. "There's been another case Mrs. Hudson. We'll see you later." Sherlock yelled behind him. I chuckled at how cordial he was being.

I waved down a taxi and crawled in with Sherlock next to me. "What did he say?"

"He said, 'we have an odd one for you. Meet me at Lauriston Gardens.' That's it." Sherlock nodded and stared out the window.

"I hope it rains." he said and I looked up at the sky to find that it indeed was cloudy. Once we arrived I threw some money at the taxi driver, thanking him as I quickly followed Sherlock, struggling to keep up with his long strides.

"Where is it?" I asked upon a rrival, completely out of breath.

"This way." Lestrade mumbled gesturing upstairs. I nodded and quickly followed Sherlock up the stairs and into the room. His eyes twinkled and even though his face was really stoic, I knew he was glad to have a case.

I smiled and turned to look at the bodies, suddenly wishing that I didn't. All the air left my lungs and I stumbled back against the wall, my smile falling. "Are you alright?" Lestrade asked. Sherlock whipped around and glanced me up and down.

"You know them." he stated and I nodded. I tried to catch my breath, my eyes filling with tears. It was impossible. I thought they were dead. How are they here right now?

"How long..." I cleared my throat. "How long have they been dead?"

"About 2 hours." Lestrade answered, eyebrows furrowed. "Why?"

"That's impossible. They died... years ago." I sank to the floor staring at the couple in front of me. The woman was dressed in a beautiful black dress that reached her knees. Her hair curled, eyes closed. He was dressed in a tuxedo and looked just as she did. They looked as though they were sleeping if it weren't for the cuts on their face, arms and legs. The red hand marks on their necks.

"They're wet." Sherlock stated.

"We can't tell if they were drowned, choked, or bled to death." Lestrade anwered. Sherlock hummed.

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