Chapter 20

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I was really excited to see where we were going. There were so many amazing places in Laughlin. Lots of resorts and casinos.

"Where are we going?" I asked for the millionth time.

"It's a surprise. You will like it though."

"I'm sure I will." I mumbled. I looked out the window die. It wasn't the most beautiful place. It was really brown everywhere but there were lots of palm trees.

Sherlock wasn't kidding when he said it was too g to be hot either. The monitor above the rearview mirror said that it was 110 degrees outside. No wonder we needed shorts.

A few minutes later we pulled into the drive and I couldn't help but feel put how big the hotel was. It was further away from the rest of Laughlin but this resort looked amazing.

Palm trees lined the entrance and I noticed the smoke shop and convenience store were part of the hotel. The building was an ugly tan color but because it was starting to get a bit dark, the lights from the hotel were on.

"This place is huge." I said, taking the bags out of the trunk. Sherlock nodded in agreement and ushered me inside. A blast of cold air .are me sigh and I looked around.

6 floors with tiled black floors with white dots. Leather furniture. To my left and right there were elevators and hallways. There was also a gift shop on my left. I felt like a child, spinning in circles, checking put the place. We were only in the lobby too.

Sherlock chuckled, heading toward the counter and paid for our rooms for a week. As soon as he paid we took the bags upstairs and relaxed a bit.

"So they have a pool here. They also have a beach and a movie theater. They have an arcade and 0 viously gambling. So what do you feel like doing?" He asked.

"Can we just check put the gift shop really quick?" Sherlock nodded and pulled me put of the room. This was a really nice hotel. We passed the casino and went up the ramp o  the left, dodging people, before fi ally making it to the gift shop.

There was a lot to look at. They had clothes and sunglasses. There was a bunch of food and I realized just how hungry I was. "We'll go to the food courts by our room next okay?" Sherlock asked and I nodded eagerly.

I wandered around the gift shop and came across a picture on the front cover of a book. I really liked it too. It was an otter in a scarf with his body twisted around the hedgehog, looking down at him as the hedgehog looked up. The number on the side said 221B and it took me a second to realize that the number was our address.

I picked the book up and looked at the title. John Watson Blog Collection. I smiled and flipped the book over, scanning the summary. Flipping the book open I looked at the first page and found another adorable picture. This one was of a tan otter cradle g a small hedgehog in a blue scarf. "Hey. John... you should come look at this." Sherlock called.

I grabbed the book and made my way over to the curly haired man. He pointed at sign that had a bunch of animals. "Spirit Totem Stones." I read aloud. Sherlock nodded and pointed at two specifically.

The otter totem description read: Though fiercly independent an Otter's love is loyal to the end and beyond.

The other animal he was pointing at was a hedgehog. The description read: You love to explore and follow your natural curiosity and know how to protect yourself while doing this. You u understand weather patterns, k owing when it will rain. You are gentle yet protective of yourself at the same time. You know how to build defensive and protective barriers that discourage negativity.

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