Sneaking Around

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My eyes flickered as I heavily inhaled and exhaled. I was held tightly in Brady's grip, his arms were wrapped around my naked body. I turned my head to look at his face.

His eyes were closed, his hair was in a sexy mess and he remained naked under the sheets as did I.

I gazed at him admiring all of his features, he was so cute as he slept.

"You're staring," he whispered softly without opening his eyes.

"I'm gazing," I corrected him.

"It's creepy," he still remained with his eyes shut.

"It's romantic," a let out a small snicker.

He opened his eyes with a grin on his face, he looked into my eyes. He shook his head and grabbed the pillow he was laying on and put it on top of his face.

"Hey!" I giggled.

He took the pillow off and smiled back at me, before pressing his lips against mine.

He stopped and was just inches away from me, "I love you". Then continued to kiss me

I stopped the kiss. "I love you more," I slowly turned so that I was on top of his body.

"Oh really," he leaned out.

"Yes," I gently kisses his neck.

"Because I love you to the moon and back," he pecked my lips as I sat on his waist.

"Well, I love you infinity times to the moon and back," I smiled back down as he chuckled.

"Well," Brady gently held my legs as he spoke. "I love you so much that I snuck out of my house to sleep over last night. And might I add risked getting caught from your cop of a dad".

"Ohhh," I pecked his lips. "I guess win".

"I guess I do," he pulled me closer and kissed my lips.

We continued to kiss until I stopped moving my lips when I heard a faint sound of what I think was the door.

Brady didn't hear and continued to kiss me.

"Shhh," I sat up on his lap, but Brady still kissed my neck. "You here that?"

"Y/N," I heard my dads voice as the front door shut. "I'm here and I bought bagels!"

"You said your dad wasn't coming home till 1:30," Brady whispered quickly.

I looked over and tapped my phone to see it was 1:30 pm. "Well I guess we slept in!"

I jumped off him and ran to the door, "be down in a sec dad!" I shut the door and saw Brady grabbing his clothes around the room.

"You know when we have sex, can we just take off our clothes and put it in a neat pile, instead of throwing it everywhere!" Brady searched the room.

"Go!" I handed him his pants.

He began to act as if he was going to put his legs through them. "No!" I pushed him towards the window. "We don't have time for that!"

"But I'm naked," he still continued to walk.

"And what a beautiful view it will be for my neighbors and not my dad," I grabbed a sweatshirt as Brady began to open the window.

He put a leg over the other and hung on to the edge with his hands. "Love you!" He still held on and puckers his lips.

"Love you too," I kissed him. "Now go!" He smirked then let go.

"Ahh!" Brady groaned in pain as he hit the grass on his side.

"I'm okay!" He yelled as he slowly got up and I held a finger against my lips. "Love you!" He attempted to whisper, but basically yelled.

I watched as Brady ran off, covering his parts with his clothes in his hands.

My dad barged in as I stared out the window. "Is that naked boy running around our neighborhood associated with you?"

"Noo," I lied and my dad saw right through it.

BRADY TUTTON ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang