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Okay let's finish this paper, I sat down at my desk with a cold glass of water. Only one paragraph left, then I can FaceTime Brady. That brought a smile to my face, the thought of Brady. I continue to type as I honestly had no idea what I was saying when a light thud hit my window.

I looked over to see an exhausted Spider-Man tapping his head on my window. I giggled at his weird entrance, then nodded for him to come in. I turned to my paper to hit save as Spider-Man opened the window.

"You know 'Spider-Man,' we have a perfectly good elevator and staircase you can take instead of..." I paused as I turned around to see Spider-Man with gashes in his chest and stomach and rips covering his whole suit.

"Oh my god Brady," I jumped out of my chair to help him out of the window.

He crawled to my floor, resting against my bed as he held in his groans since my parents were asleep.

He pulled off his mask, to reveal more gashes and blood stains.

"Brady baby," I knelt down in front of him, caressing his wounded cheek as I viewed his black eye and cuts.

He gently held my wrist and kissed it as my hand was rested on his cheek.

"I'm okay, you should see the other guy," he then mumbled, "given that he's a 20 foot lizard, who was left with no marks".

"I'll be right back, okay?" I looked down into his beautiful blue eyes, they pulled me in every time. I had to go, but I just wanted to keep gazing at them. I finally got up, to be pulled back down and brought to Brady's lips. I kissed him softly, not wanting to hurt his cut up lip.

Brady intensified the kiss as he licked my bottom lips begging for entrance. I wanted to continue, but Brady was still hurt. I pulled away and jumped up.

"I'm going to get the first aid, stay" I practically ordered.

"Woof," he joked being able to crack a smile, but it wasn't his best joke.

I ran back into the room with water, medicine, and first aid kit. I set everything down beside him and handed him pain killers. "Take these".

"Drugging me?" He smirked, before downing the pills with water.

"Let's see what we're dealing with?" I grabbed a cloth wash drenching it in water.

"You just want to take off my clothes, don't you?" He chuckled as he pulled the top part of his suit off.

"Jesus Brady," my eyes widened at the sight of the gashes in his stomach.

"I know," he groaned in pain as I began to clean the wounds.

"Brady, you need to be careful out there," I sighed.

"I know," he repeated with a sigh.

"Maybe you should just leave this to the police, I mean come on Brady, you're just a kid!" I immediately regretted saying that, Brady hated hearing it.

He pushed my hand away from his wounds, making my eyes avert from his stomach to his dilated blue eyes.

"I may be young, but the police can't do what I can do, no one can," he paused. And if I do nothing, and people get hurt, they're getting hurt because of me," he whispered, leaving his eyes locked on mine.

I shook my head looking down, trying to hold back my emotions, "just be careful, please?" I look back into his eyes.

He nodded.

"Promise?" I held my pinky out making him chuckle.

"I promise," he looped his pinky with mine and brought hands to his lips, kissing mine.

"Now, hold still, this is going to hurt," I grabbed the rubbing alcohol. As I poured if he threw his head back in pain, biting on his cheeks.

After the wounds were cleaned, I wrapped them up, not bothering to stitch them since his powers will heal them abnormally fast.

"Thank you," he said as I returned from the bathroom, putting everything back.

"Anything for 'Spider-Man'," I wrapped my arms around his neck as he held on to my waist.

He smirked before placing his lips on mine, the kiss was soft and loving.

"Y/N sweetie, are you still up?" I heard my dad call from across the hall.

"You need to go," I removed myself from his arms and pushed him back towards the window.

He climbed out, and pulled his mask half way down his face, leaving his grin visible.

"Now Brady?" I whispered as I heard my dad outside the door. I began to walk towards the door to meet him in the hall.

Brady quickly shot his webs to the door frame locking it shut. A second web was shot at me as I was pulled his way into his arms.

"Not without a kiss goodbye," he smirked and I quickly pecked his lips, but that wasn't enough for the boy. He pulled my lips back on his, kissing with more passion this time.

"Okay now go!" I whispered yelled.

Brady pulled his mask all the way down jumping out window and shooting his webs as he flew through the city.

My dad eventually broke through the web lock, pushing the door open.

"Who were you taking to?" He looked around the room the find no one.

"Myself," I smiled. "I have to go to bed!" I pushed him out of room and turned off the light, still giddy from Brady's kiss. The things that boy does to me.

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