Skype Calls

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**Mark's perspective**
I decide comment under his video:

Hello my name is Mark. I just recently started out on YouTube and also have a gaming channel maybe you could check it out sometime and if you like it then maybe we can play sometime together. You seem like a cool guy with roughly the same interests as me. I think we would have a blast if we played a game together sometime.

**Jack's perspective**
I don't get too many comments, so when I get them I like to reply.  I notice I have a comment on one of my videos from someone named Markiplier. Immediately after I read the message, I decide I am going and trying to try to find his channel. It is not very hard to find at all. He just started off like me. I am super excited because I think maybe I can make another real friend. Sky is a real friend, but I think it is only because she likes me. I have no feelings back of course, but it makes it somewhat awkward. I am also worried that once she finds out I don't like her back she will not want to be friends anymore.

As I am watching it hits me. I realize he doesn't have an accent, not Irish, actually not any accent at all. I mentally face palm. There is no way we can colab unless he is somewhere close by. I reply to his comment and I say:

Hey Mark thank you for everything you said, and I would love to colab with you! I think it will be very fun. You are right we do pretty much have the same tastes in games. I think it will be a blast! You seem like a cool guy too and your videos are amazing!!! There is just one problem I live in Ireland and you don't sound like you have an accent. Where are you from? How can we colab if we are no where near each other? Please reply when you get the chance.

**Mark's perspective**
I get a reply about 20 minutes later I am so excited that he thinks that we could colab. Then I get to the bottom of the message and my heart drops and my smile fades. He's Irish? He lives in Ireland? He doesn't sound like he has an accent in his videos. Wait is he changing his voice? I hope not, I think accents are nice. I live all the way in LA we are no where near each other. I message him back immediately.

Hey Jack, it is sad we live so far away from each other. I live all the way in America in LA. There is one way that we could colab though. Here is my Skype (Markimoo). When you get the chance Skype me and we can talk about it face to face. I really want to meet you because it would be nice to find someone I could talk to with the same tastes.

**Jack's perspective**
Mark gave me his Skype so that he can tell me how we can possibly do this video together. I decide I can Skype him now. I look like crap though and I am in my pajamas so I need to get ready first because first impressions are everything. I put on a gray sweatshirt and comb my hair out. Then I get on my laptop and go to my Skype account.

I sit there for a minute just staring at my computer. Do I really want to do this. What if I have an anxiety attack. That would be horrible there is no one here to help me. I could die from it. Also, he is a total stranger what if he is actually some creep? I take a deep breath in as I press the call button underneath his name.

It takes him a few minutes to answer. I see a person I was totally not expecting. I mean I can see a little bit of his face in his videos, but not very much of it. He has shortish dark brown/black hair with longer bangs. He wears glasses, and underneath them hides a pair of brown eyes. He smiles warmly at me. I could tell that he was seeing how I look too. I watch those brown eyes flick from my hair to my smile. Then back up into my eyes. He waves shyly yet childishly at me. I respond with a shy wave.

He introduces himself "Hello my name is Mark" in a deep husky voice.

**Mark's perspective**
As soon as I answer the Skype call from Jack (Jackaboy) I can't help but smile. He is perfect. His hair is perfect, and I love his smile. Then I see two bright blue eyes. I can get lost in them forever. They are so deep just like... the ocean. I shudder I hate the ocean... but his eyes make me fall in love with it. I introduce my self and wave to him. He waves back at me shyly and introduces himself. The first thing I notice is how thick his accent is.

He talks really quietly, but I don't care because I can still hear him. I am also going to guess that he is kind of shy, but I don't blame him.

We talk for hours, and I tell him about my plan for us making a video together. When I was through with my plan he just agrees nodding and says that it is great.

I continue to notice as we are talking that he is pretty shy. I ask him about it and if there is a reason he was so shy, yet he has a YouTube channel. It seemed odd at first, but then he explains that he has social anxiety and has trouble communicating with people. He wants to help cope with it so he made a YouTube account to be able to communicate without actually having to talk face to face to an actual person.

We continued talking for a long time, until I could see him visibly shaking. Concerned I asked "Jack are you okay?" I saw as he started struggling with his breathing. He started to fumble around on his desk looking for something. I can't do anything but talk him through it. I could tell he was having a panic attack. I don't know this boy in front of me, but I want to help him.

I don't really know what to do, but I just start telling him to breathe and calm down. He looks at me with wide eyes. I just continue saying the same things over and over again.

Finally he finds what he is looking for. It was an inhaler. He takes a few puffs. Then he grabs a pill bottle and takes two pills I am assuming anxiety medication. He starts to calm down. I can hear him catching his breath and can see him stop shaking. I decide to tell him that he probably needs a break because he has been talking for a long time in one sitting. I tell him that we can Skype again tomorrow if he wants to. He nods in agreement.

I sincerely say "goodbye Jack..." I smile at him while talking. I began to move my mouse to the end button.

I hear a quiet whisper "Sean....". This throws me off guard, so I give him a questioning look he scratches the back of his neck "Uh... My real... name is actually... it's Sean..."

I smile and nod my head slowly "Sean" I say quietly almost in a whisper. I like the way that the name rolls off of my lips "Well... Sean I will talk to you tomorrow bye!!"

His nervousness seems to slightly fade and he smiles genuinely at me "Goodbye Mark!" We both wave goodbye and I hit the end call button.

Well that was a major success.

I Need You... (Jacksepticeye x Markiplier)Where stories live. Discover now