Chapter 2- A new Beginning

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As months wore on, I surprising became slightly healthier due to having more food to myself. My mother's death was still painful. Sometimes, I'd turn to her to tell her something funny or interesting and suddenly remember that she wasn't there anymore. A cold sense of sadness overwhelmed me as I remembered her melodic laugh and her bright smile that could always turn a frown upside-down.

That night, I cried myself to sleep looking at the only picture I had of her. A tiny, battered piece of paper that contained my parents' portrait on it. My mother had drawn it herself before I was born and carried it everywhere with her, no matter what. I slipped into deep sleep.

I was in a forest, wandering around desperately. I saw a figure in the darkness, it was Mother. She smiled at me lovingly.

"Go to the other side of the forest, to the border of Arcadia. There is a small house there. It belongs to my friend. He and his family will help you. Hurry! Remember, follow your dreams... dreams... dreams... " echoed her sweet voice and I woke up from the dream, startled.

I contemplated my choices. Could I really trust this dream? Was this even reliable? What if I get kidnapped or killed? What if the Rebels found me. But then I realised that my life couldn't get much worse anyway. I had made up my mind. I was going to find this person my mother spoke of even it's the last thing I do. Looking back after all these years, I always wonder what would happen if I hadn't gone on this journey.

Would I be a sad old spinster, knitting wearily in my hut? Would I have grandchildren running around me? Would I end up marrying some pig farmer called Gary?

Wasting no time, I grabbed the two largest satchels I could find. I filled them up with 2 blankets, all the food, water and herbs, a dagger, matched ,clothes, etc. I kept the money, painting , map and another dagger in my pouch that I carried at all times. I looked around my home 1 last time and fought back tears.

I snuck out the back door to avoid any Rebels that might still be on patrol. Once it was all clear, I ran for the forest like nobody's business. I kept running for 10 minutes till I was exhausted and rested against a tree. Being thin had it's disadvantages.

Just as I was about to doze off, I heard footsteps and mumbling. I sat up instinctively and stayed very still.

"Damn it! Who knew running away from the Rebels could be this hard. All I do is collect taxes and I'm absolutely sick of it! " a deep voice muttered angrily. My eyes widened, it was the tax collector who came to my house the day Mother died. I snuck around the tree, waiting for the right moment as I leaped out to the man and cupped my hand around his mouth.

"SH!!!! It's me!" I whispered harshly to him. The tax-collector finally calmed down as he recognised me and I release my hand from his mouth and wiped it on a nearby tree in attempt to rid of his gross germs.

" What are you doing here?" He regarded me curiously.

"Same reason you're here. To run away. Why are you running away? You live a decent life working for the Rebels." I said.

"Huh, if you call living on $5 a week decent. My parents died 20 years ago in the attack and I was raised in an orphanage in by the Rebels. I quite frankly hate them, because of what they did. I want Arcadia to return to how it was before. My name is Robert Archer, by the way." Robert said bitterly. I was quite relieved he thought the same as me.

"I know a place where it's safe to go, you can come with me if you want. My name is er- Linda." I say quickly, I couldn't trust him enough to tell him I was practically the rightful queen of Arcadia. Robert smiled cheerily and shook my hand. I faked puking in disgust at the sight of his stupid grin.

"Well then! Let's get going!" He said. I groaned. This was gonna be a LONG journey.

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