Chapter 5- Kidnappings and Diarrhoea

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We walked along the top of the mountains, hoping to find the place Mother was talking about.

"Linda, where are we going??" Grumbled Robert impatiently, "I'm hungry!"

"We are going to a place where we can get help." I said sharply.

"Why aren't you using the map? How do you know it's here anyway?" He persisted.

"It came to me in a dream, someone told me." I admitted quietly, trying not to show Robert that I was welling up with tears.

"Huh, what a stupid dream! And the person who told you must be stupid anyway." He chuckled. Anger boiled within me. How dare he? My mother was the queen of Arcadia, for god's sake! I wanted to yell at him, but of course I couldn't. Instead, I walked along, planning my painful revenge. Robert was in for it!

It wasn't long before I found some nuts similar to the ones we ate. I looked closely: the skin was a shade darker and had tiny white dots on it. I grinned. Robert would definitely not be able to tell the difference.

Although Robert was so annoying, I couldn't poison him to death. However, the good thing was that these nuts IN SMALL AMOUNTS weren't that poisonous. It'd simply give him some..... let's just say 'stomach trouble'.

I turned to Robert. "Here, some food might be able to stuff your stupid gob." I said, pretending to be annoyed. Of course, being the pig he is, Robert peeled them eagerly and stuffed it in his mouth. I knew that the 'stomach trouble' would strike in several minutes and tried to suppress a smile . WHAT I DIDN'T KNOW WAS THAT ROBERT CONTINUED TO STUFF MORE NUTS INTO HIS MOUTH. (A/n: that sounds really dirty...)

I looked at him uncertainly. The amount I'd given him was enough to bring 'stomach trouble'. But he had eat hundreds of them!

"Robert-how many of those did you eat?" I said nervously.

"Uhh.... a few dozen. Give or take." He grinned. A FEW DOZEN!?!?!?!?!? This was not good. A few dozen might mean death! I hurried to my satchel and looked for more herbs. After finding them, I ran back to Robert and instructed that he put his fingers deep into his mouth so that he could vomit them up.

"Why am I doing this?" He asked as he stuck his fingers into his mouth.


"Owwww.... my stomach hurts!" He cried. I huffed in annoyance and went to grind the herbs. What an idiot!

It was till evening when we could continue our way. Robert still complained that his stomach hurt but I knew he was faking it to get some rest. For once, I couldn't blame him. None of us slept well for the past months. ESPECIALLY ME SINCE ROBERT SOMEHOW STILL MANAGES TO SNORE IN HIS SEMI-SLEEPING STATE!!

He was still yammering on about it when I sensed we were not alone. I gestured quickly for Robert to shut up. I heard footsteps crunching behind us.

"RUN!" I whispered as we clawed as fast as we could through the snow. Suddenly a hand wrapped around my mouth. When it let go, I got a chance to yell.

"ROB-" I managed before a sickly scent overwhelmed me. Poison. I tried not to inhale it but I had to breath. The last thing I saw before I hit the ground was Robert being tied up. And on the kidnappers shirt was the Rebel's marking. The world went black.

Author's note: Thanks for reading! Once again, I dedicate this chapter to my bff flowerspetalsroses , because she dedicated her book 'Hate you too, Sweetheart" to me. This is the least I can do for her, I am incredibly greatful and you totally check her out, as well as her stories. If you don't ,YOU'RE MISSING OUT!!

KawaiiQueen8888 <3

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