Chapter 23- Down the Sewage Pipe We Go!

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Author's note: I know the past few chapters are kind of sad but I can't write funny and cheerful things all the time. In life, we all go through our darkest times. Some dark times are worse than others. But honestly, that's what gives life meaning. So why should it be any different in a story? I'm pretty sure that if everything went smoothly, this story would be pretty boring, don't you think? You know: A princess was born, she grew up, she married a prince and lived happily ever after. Anyway, this chapter is once again dedicated to my pal flowerspetalsroses . This chapter will be more light-hearted, I promise!

Ok, let's get something straight: Sewer+Kettle Boy= PANDEMONIUM!!! Kettle Boy was practically in his element, jumping around, poking and prodding at stuff, not to mention the whoops of joy and ruckus he caused. You would never be able to tell that he was crying just a few hours ago.


"What does sewer mean anyway?" Kettle Boy said, wiping green goo off the walls and onto his finger. Ughh..... how on earth does a 22 year old man know what a sewer was? Too be fair, he probably didn't receive any decent education.

"IT MEANS THAT WE ARE GOING DOWN THE TOILET PIPES, WHERE PEOPLE POOP AND PEE!" I scream at him, cringing in pure horror and disgust.

"Wow, that's awesome!" He said, as if knowing that we were walking in things that have been down people's digestive tracks were a good thing.

" know what? I think I'm going to be sick!" I gag, covering my mouth with the satchels. Robert didn't seem to be affected the whole journey, he even had the appetite to even eat!

Soon, we approached a parting where there were 3 potential turns we could take.

"Right, so do we go to the left, straight ahead or to the right?" I ponder. Looking at the map, the other side of town was slightly veering to the right. But it was still a dangerous decision. What if it changed directions later on?

"Hey! There's a sign here!" Robert called, munching through a piece of bread. I walked over and saw that it was a map of the sewage system bolted onto the wall. After 5 minutes of studying the map, I decided it would be best if we took the right turn.

However, 2 hours into the right turn, sewage water levels started rising. Soon we were trudging in slimy water halfway up our knees.

"Eww.... this is so gross!" I say, cringing in disgust as something brushed against my pant legs (I was wearing a long sleeved blouse, long pants, boots and a scarf).

"Hmm, maybe I could try to swim in this..." wondered Robert. I gave him a death stare.

"Don't even think about it!" I snap. But the water levels kept rising and I was starting to panic. The foul water was up to my thighs and I was trying to not think about what could be in the water. Kettle Boy seemed to share my concern.

"Uhh... Miranda? The water is rising really quickly and I see something approaching us." He whispered. Lighting a newly bought match, I peered to see what it was.

"Holy mother of apple pie! It's an alligator!" I shriek as I turn around and run for my life.

"An alligator? I'll protect you!" He said, showing off his muscles. Urghh... boys.

"How about you protect yourself from me decapitating you and feeding your head to that alligator over there? It looks hungry and will probably prefer a dish of 'Idiot's brain' for dinner." I say sarcastically and as I dragged him away.

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