Chapter 4- Conquering the impossible.

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"Are you crazy? We will never be able to survive that mountain? Do you want to die?" Robert shrieks at me after I told him the plan was to climb up the steep mountain....without rope.....or any safety equipment. I guess he did have a point but in my defence, it's not even that steep, there are trees to hold onto and- ok fine.... It's a bit dangerous but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That is, IF we survived this hike.

"Robert, do you really wanna go back to the Rebels and survive on close to nothing everyday?" I said sceptically. Robert grumbled something I couldn't hear.

"Great! Glad you think so too, let's start!" I said, feigning enthusiasm. We finally got to the foot of the mountain and I looked up. The mountain was so tall that you could not even see the top. And I'll admit it looked 999999999 times larger up close. Determined to not give Mr Robert-the-smartie-pants the satisfaction of me giving up, I started climbing up the hill like it was no big deal. Robert, seeing that I was determined, rolled his eyes and followed suit.

"KEEP ROLLIN YOUR EYES SMART GUY! YOU MIGHT FIND A BRAIN SOMEWHERE!" I called sarcastically. I jumped at the sound of my voice echoing loudly. Robert and I exchanged a gasp of fear as he caught up to me.

"I'm sorry. Do-do you think they heard me?" I whispered.

"They'd better not." Robert said as we climbed up the mountain at tortoise pace.

Days and days went by, our hands were cut and bruised from the climbing, sleeping was 'leaning onto a tree and praying that it won't snap so you won't have to fall to your death'. However, I found some nuts on a tree that didn't look poisonous. Giving Robert a sincere look, I peeled the nuts and considered eating it.

"May the Lord Above not poison me. Amen." I said before tasting the nuts. Robert looked at me with wide eyes as if I were to explode at any moment. Minutes later, I gave a nod. It wasn't poisonous. That meant I insisted on storing as much nuts we could fit and eating to our fill.

By the second month, we were a teeny tiny up the mountain. It was quite a victorious moment for us. Although it didn't seem like much. Looking down, everything was minuscule. However, as I was looking down, I saw an approaching blob.

"Robert, what on earth is that?" I whispered, gesturing into the distance. He pulled out a pair of binoculars (luckily I was prepared) and looked down.

"Linda. They're coming after us." He said solemnly. I snatched the binoculars off his and looked for myself. There was indeed an army of Rebels, coming right for us. Robert and I exchanged a look of pure fear and started climbing as fast as possible. But the lack of oxygen was slowly affecting us.

"How long do you think before they catch up?" I puffed.

"Well, if they are as fast as us: 2 months." Robert panted in response.

Our daily schedule now became:
-Wake up
-Climb as much as possible
-Pick some nuts off trees and eating them
-More climbing
-Some more nuts
-Even more climbing
-One person keeping watch while another 'sleeps'

Till finally, we were at the top of the mountain. After a couple more months of pure torture, we could finally make our way down the mountain. The most satisfying part was that the large wave of Rebels who were chasing after us gave up after seeing the mountain.

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