Chapter 43-The Banished Rebels.

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[Miranda's POV]

I burst into the the Rebel King's palace, with Robert at my heels. His face curved into a smirk as I walked up to him. Robert, King Dominic and his army had accompanied me back to Arcadia to face 'King' Jonathan, the leader of the Rebels.

Jonathan looked surprised to see me; but covered it quickly with a smirk

"Right,give me my country back." I spat bluntly.

"Ooh, feisty one. When did you some back here?" He chuckled.

" I said give it back." I growled.

"You think you and you're little traitor friend can claim Arcadia back? That's right, little Robert over here has betrayed you, I hired him to kill you." Jonathan said, waiting for me to break down.

"Robert told me about your little plan. He's on my side now." I informed, wiping the smile off his arrogant face.

"Robert may be on your side now but my men can wipe you out in an instant!" He snarled darkly.

"That may be the case, but can your men wipe out an army?" I said as King Dominic charged in with his men. Jonathan grew red with anger before brandishing his sword. Knowing blood would be spilt, I allowed some of King Dominic's men to bring me to a tent in the mountains near Arcadia's borders, where Robert and I made our first journey.

"You can rest here, Miss." The guard said, before sitting down on the tent ground.

"Do you think we'll win?" I asked nervously.

"Of course, King Dominic always makes sure that we train hard." The guard said, flicking his hair to the side. I really hope so...

Hours later, I fidgeting restlessly as the guards around me stood around the tent.

Just as I was about to faint from anticipation; a guard ran into the tent, with blood stains on his armour.

"We won!" He said breathlessly.

The Journey For Justice| ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora