Chapter 39- Allies in the Red River

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Soon, we were at the edge of the Red River. Without another word, Shortie pushed Kettle Boy and me into the water before the carriage turned around and left. Thank the Lord Arcadia I have my satchels.

The bitter water surrounded me as I was engulf by a wave of coldness. Soon enough, I felt jaws nipping at my skin. I yelped in pain as I tried to swim to the other side. The water stinging my wounds caused unbearable pain as I thrashed desperately in the water. I looked over a wave to see that Robert wasn't fairing much better than I was.

Suddenly, a massive wave hit us as a creature burst out of the water. The piranhas ran away at the sight of it and I would've done too, if it wasn't for my legs.

"Who dares to step into my waters?" It yelled in a raspy voice.

"I'm Miranda Devereaux from Arcadia." I shouted, wincing in agony.

"Hmm... I sense that you're telling the truth. Miranda Devereaux, you say? You're the princess of Arcadia?" The sea monster asked.

"Queen of Arcadia." I corrected, struggling to tread water.

"Ahh... I was saved by your father once. He was still a young prince, traveling to Hyperborea to visit his friend. I was being hunted by fishermen and it was your father who saved me. He said I had a right to live. Since then. I've vowed to help him. Very well, I shall let you cross." The monster said and magically, the water somehow parted, revealing dry land for Robert and me to walk on. I also noticed my legs weren't hurting anymore.

"Thank you. The Rebels have taken over Arcadia and I need to get to Hyperborea to ask for help." I said to the sea creature.

"Oh, really? Well, I have something that could help." It said and rolled a pearl at me. I picked it up and looked at it. It was white and very shiny.

"Thank you."

"That is a teleporter pearl. It will you and anyone you touch to your required destination. Be careful, it only works once. Goodbye." The sea creature said, before disappearing into the water. Robert and I scrambled to the other side of the water just in time to see the water rushing over to close the gap of dry land.

"So.... does that thing really work?" Robert asked.

"One way to find out." I said as we unwillingly held hands. I closed my eyes and thought of Hyperborea. A bright light shined around us.

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