Chapter 13- Sand Storm

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Author's note: The rest of the story is in Miranda's POV unless I say otherwise. Enjoy!

Robert and I looked on to the Borelia Desert. It was so dry, I thought I would just melt right then and there. But somehow, I managed to not dissolve into complete liquid. Unluckily, that meant Robert didn't evaporate either. Shame, I would've paid good money to see that happen.

"Right, first snowy mountains, now dry deserts. Let's get a move on, shall we?" I said, shifting the satchels.

"Umm.... want to hold one of them for you?" Robert asked quietly.

"Does it look too heavy for me? Am I seriously that weak to you?" I glared, pretending to look insulted.

"Uhh? What? No! Umm er I jus-" stuttered Robert, blushing to the roots of his dirty blonde hair. The shade of his hair kind of resembled cat pee...

"Sure!" I plastered a fake smile onto my face and hand him the heavier bag.

"Oh for the sake of Arcadia! What on Earth do you have in there?!" He struggled under the weight. I turned around to hide my amused smile and kept walking. That'll teach the daft kettle to show me some respect!

Eventually, it got so windy that I had to rip up one of my shirts for us to use as masks. But it got windier still, with every step, I could feel the sting of the sand hitting my face. Good thing I have long eyelashes, they might actually come in handy!

"Umm.... Robert? We need to take cover!" I could not longer see anything but sand whirly around us. Somewhere out in the distance, I could make out the shape of a tornado...

"Oh my god! It's a cyclone! RUN!!!" I screamed as we tried to run. But the sand kept slowing down our progress and we were too slow. I looked up. It was coming straight for us.

"Cover your face and bury yourself in sand!" I instructed as Robert and I dug like mad dogs with a bad case of rabies. I clutched the satchels to my chest as I waited for the cyclone to blow over. I felt a rumbling gust of wind approaching me. I waited for the potential end of my life as the howling wind thundered over me. Then, it passed. The cyclone was over.

I sat up, to see Robert shaking the sand out of his clothes. I was going to say something but ended up choking on the grains of sand. For the next 5 minutes, I tried to get most of the Borelia Desert's sand out of my lungs.

"Ughh..... we have the worst luck!!" I mumbled, spitting out some sand.

"I know, I thought laying on the seaside was sandy enough!" Robert chuckled, while shaking out his shirt, purposely showing off his 8 pack.

"Hey! You're getting sand everywhere!" I said, disgusted by his arrogance. Who cared if he had a 8 pack? He could have a 100 pack for all I care! He was still annoying, stupid, arrogant and incredibly useless.

"No credit to my incredible body?" He bragged. I glared at him before jabbing his 'precious' 8 pack with the handle end of my dagger.

"There you go! And if you keep showing off, the jabs you get will multiply each day." I said sourly as he doubled up in pain. He deserved it anyway.

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